Виталий Лобанов



Короткие сказки про волшебные горы

Once upon a time, in a land far beyond the horizon, there lay the Magic Mountains. These mountains were unlike any others, for they sparkled with a thousand colors, and their peaks seemed to touch the stars. The Magic Mountains were home to many wonderful creatures: singing birds with feathers like rainbows, gentle deer with antlers of gold, and wise old trees that whispered secrets of the ancient world.

In a small village at the foot of the Magic Mountains lived a young girl named Elara. Elara had always been fascinated by the mountains and dreamed of exploring their mystical heights. She had heard tales from the village elders about a hidden valley within the mountains where wishes came true. Determined to find it, Elara set off on her adventure with nothing but a small satchel of food and her trusty walking stick.

As Elara climbed higher, the air grew crisper, and the colors around her became more vibrant. She met a talking fox named Fyren, who agreed to guide her in exchange for a song. Elara sang a sweet melody she had learned from her grandmother, and the fox led her through hidden paths and secret tunnels.

They journeyed for days, encountering enchanted waterfalls that sang and fields of flowers that danced. Along the way, Elara helped a family of rabbits find their lost baby and mended the wing of a wounded butterfly. Each act of kindness seemed to bring her closer to her goal, and the creatures of the mountains began to whisper her name with gratitude.

One night, under a sky filled with twinkling stars, Elara and Fyren reached the hidden valley. The valley was more beautiful than she had ever imagined, with crystal-clear streams and trees that glowed with a soft, golden light. In the center of the valley stood a majestic tree, taller and more ancient than any Elara had ever seen. It was the Tree of Wishes.

Elara approached the tree and closed her eyes, making her wish with all her heart. She wished for happiness and prosperity for her village, for the well-being of the magical creatures she had met, and for the courage to face any challenge that came her way.

As she opened her eyes, the valley shimmered with a brilliant light, and Elara felt a warmth spread through her heart. She knew that her wish had been granted. With a grateful smile, she thanked Fyren and all the creatures of the Magic Mountains before making her way back to her village.

When Elara returned, she found her village transformed. The fields were lush and green, the rivers sparkled with clarity, and the people were filled with joy. Word of her adventure spread, and the villagers celebrated her bravery and kindness. They named her Elara the Brave, and from that day on, the Magic Mountains were a place of wonder and hope for all who believed in the power of wishes and the magic of kindness.

And so, Elara lived a long and happy life, her heart forever connected to the enchanted peaks of the Magic Mountains. And every now and then, she would climb those sparkling heights, singing her grandmother's song, knowing that the magic of the mountains would always be with her.

In a faraway land, nestled between shimmering rivers and lush forests, lay the enchanted realm of Aranya. Aranya was famous for its Magic Mountains, a majestic range that glittered with mystical energy and was said to be alive with ancient magic.

At the foot of the tallest peak, Mount Lumina, lived a kind-hearted girl named Elara. She had grown up hearing tales of the wonders that lay within the Magic Mountains—of hidden valleys where flowers sang, and streams that could grant wishes. But the most intriguing legend of all was that of the Mountain’s Heart, a crystal of unparalleled beauty that could grant a single wish to whoever found it.

One crisp morning, Elara decided it was time to embark on an adventure. With a brave heart and a small pack of essentials, she began her ascent of Mount Lumina. As she climbed higher, the air grew cooler and the landscape more enchanting. She passed through fields of luminous flowers that glowed like stars and forests where trees whispered secrets to the wind.

As dusk approached, Elara reached a plateau where an ancient, gnarled tree stood. Beneath it, a wise old owl named Orin perched. Orin was the guardian of the mountain and knew of Elara's pure intentions.

"You seek the Mountain’s Heart," Orin hooted, his golden eyes gleaming with knowledge. "It lies beyond the Crystal Caves, but beware, only those with true hearts may find it."

With a respectful nod, Elara thanked Orin and continued her journey. She soon arrived at the entrance of the Crystal Caves, where walls sparkled with every color imaginable. The path through the caves was winding and treacherous, but Elara’s determination never wavered. She remembered Orin’s words and let her heart guide her.

After what felt like hours, Elara emerged from the caves into a hidden valley bathed in a gentle, magical light. In the center of the valley stood the Mountain’s Heart, a radiant crystal that pulsed with a warm, inviting glow.

As Elara approached, she thought of her village and the struggles of its people. Without hesitation, she knelt before the crystal and whispered, "I wish for my village to always have enough—enough food, enough water, enough love."

The crystal shone brightly, and Elara felt a surge of warmth envelop her. The wish had been granted. With a heart full of gratitude, she made her way back down the mountain.

When Elara returned to her village, she found it transformed. The fields were lush with crops, the wells overflowed with clear water, and the villagers were filled with joy and harmony. From that day on, the Magic Mountains were regarded with even greater reverence, and Elara was celebrated as a heroine whose pure heart had unlocked their greatest treasure.

And so, the tale of the Magic Mountains and the brave girl who found the Mountain’s Heart was passed down through generations, reminding all who heard it that the truest magic lies within a heart filled with love and selflessness.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom nestled between three magnificent mountains, there was a village called Valoria. These mountains were not ordinary; they were known as the Magic Mountains because they were alive with enchantment. Each mountain had its own unique magic that was the lifeblood of Valoria.

The first mountain, Veridus, was covered in lush, emerald forests. It had the power of healing. Its streams could cure any ailment, and its herbs could mend broken bones. The villagers often climbed Veridus to gather its precious gifts, ensuring everyone in Valoria remained healthy.

The second mountain, Aurelius, shimmered with golden light. It held the power of prosperity. Its soil was rich and fertile, making the crops grow abundantly. The people of Valoria never knew hunger, for the fields always yielded bountiful harvests thanks to Aurelius’s magic.

The third mountain, Nocturnis, was dark and mysterious, crowned with stars even during the day. It granted the power of dreams. Every night, the villagers would sleep peacefully, receiving vivid dreams that offered wisdom, guidance, and sometimes even a glimpse of the future.

In Valoria, there lived a young girl named Liora. She was curious and brave, always seeking to explore the wonders of the Magic Mountains. One day, a dark cloud loomed over the village, bringing with it a terrible storm that threatened to destroy everything.

Liora knew she had to act. She decided to climb the Magic Mountains and ask for their help to save her village. She first ventured to Veridus. As she reached the top, she called out to the mountain spirit. A gentle, green light enveloped her, and she heard a soothing voice, "Take this healing water and sprinkle it on the fields to calm the storm."

Next, Liora climbed Aurelius. Bathed in golden light, she heard the mountain spirit say, "Plant these enchanted seeds; they will grow into protective trees that can shield the village."

Finally, Liora ascended Nocturnis. Surrounded by the sparkling stars, the mountain spirit whispered, "Use this stardust to light the darkest paths and guide your people to safety."

Liora hurried back to Valoria and did as the mountain spirits had instructed. She sprinkled the healing water, planted the enchanted seeds, and scattered the stardust. The storm began to subside, the winds calmed, and the rain ceased. The enchanted trees grew instantly, forming a barrier that protected the village from future storms.

The villagers were safe and rejoiced. They celebrated Liora's bravery and the magic of the mountains. From that day on, Valoria thrived more than ever, its people living in harmony with the magic that surrounded them.

Liora became known as the Guardian of the Magic Mountains, forever honored in tales and songs. And so, the village of Valoria, cradled by the wondrous mountains, lived happily ever after.

In a land where the sky kissed the earth, there was a kingdom called Serelune, nestled at the feet of the Magic Mountains. These mountains were unlike any other; they shimmered with hues of silver and gold, and their peaks seemed to whisper secrets to the wind.

The people of Serelune believed that the mountains were home to the ancient spirits of wisdom and power. Once a year, on the night of the luminous full moon, the mountains would glow brighter than ever, and the spirits would grant one wish to a pure-hearted soul.

In a quaint village at the edge of the kingdom lived a young girl named Elara. She had golden hair and eyes that sparkled like the stars. Elara's heart was kind, and she spent her days helping the villagers, singing to the flowers, and caring for her beloved grandmother, who was the village healer.

One year, as the night of the luminous full moon approached, the village was struck by a terrible drought. The rivers dried up, the crops withered, and the people began to lose hope. The wise elder of the village called upon the villagers to gather and decide who would climb the Magic Mountains to make the wish that could save them all.

Many were eager, but the elder chose Elara, for her heart was the purest of them all. With a small satchel of food and a cloak to keep her warm, Elara set off towards the mountains, guided by the moon's soft glow.

The journey was arduous. She crossed rocky paths, scaled steep cliffs, and braved fierce winds. But Elara's determination never wavered. As she climbed higher, she began to hear the gentle murmurs of the mountain spirits, encouraging her onward.

Finally, Elara reached the highest peak, where the air was thin and the moonlight was almost blinding. She knelt on the ground and closed her eyes, her heart filled with a single wish: to bring water and life back to her village.

The mountains hummed with a melodious sound, and a voice, as ancient as time itself, spoke to her. "Elara of Serelune, your wish is pure. Your heart is true. We grant your wish."

As the words faded, a soft rain began to fall. It started as a gentle drizzle but soon turned into a nourishing downpour. Elara watched in awe as the rainwater flowed down the mountains, filling the rivers and streams, rejuvenating the earth below.

When Elara descended the mountains, she found her village transformed. The fields were lush and green, the rivers flowed freely, and the people's spirits were lifted. They welcomed her with cheers and tears of joy, knowing that their future was once again bright.

From that day on, Elara was known as the Guardian of the Mountains. The village thrived, and the Magic Mountains continued to shine, their whispers reminding everyone that with a pure heart and steadfast courage, even the greatest challenges could be overcome.

And so, the tale of Elara and the Magic Mountains was passed down through generations, a reminder of the power of hope, kindness, and the magic that dwells within the heart of a true hero.

In a faraway land, nestled in the heart of an ancient forest, there stood the Magic Mountains. These mountains were unlike any others, for they glowed with a gentle, otherworldly light, and whispered secrets to those who listened closely.

At the foot of these mystical peaks lived a young shepherd named Elara. She had always been curious about the mountains, having heard tales of their magic from her grandmother. Legends spoke of a hidden treasure that lay within—a treasure that could grant any wish.

One day, as Elara tended her flock, she noticed a shimmering path leading up the mountainside. Intrigued, she decided to follow it. As she climbed higher and higher, she encountered a series of enchanted creatures. First, she met a talking fox, who warned her of the trickster spirits that guarded the treasure.

"Be wise and kind," the fox advised, "for only a pure heart can succeed."

Elara thanked the fox and continued her journey. Next, she came across a family of golden eagles, who offered her a feather.

"This will grant you the power of flight," the eagles explained. "Use it wisely."

With the feather tucked safely in her pocket, Elara soared over deep chasms and dense forests, reaching places no human had ever seen. Finally, she arrived at a crystal-clear lake that reflected the mountains like a giant mirror. In the center of the lake, on a small island, stood a majestic tree with leaves of silver and gold.

Beneath the tree was a stone altar, and on it lay an ancient book. As Elara approached, she felt a warm presence surround her. The book opened on its own, and a soft, melodic voice filled the air.

"Welcome, Elara," the voice said. "You have shown courage, wisdom, and kindness. You may make one wish."

Elara thought of her village, struggling with drought and poor harvests. She knew what she had to wish for.

"I wish for my village to have bountiful harvests and never know hunger again," she declared.

The mountains trembled with joy, and a radiant light enveloped Elara. When the light faded, she found herself back at the foot of the mountains, the book gone but the warm presence still lingering.

True to the magic’s promise, her village soon flourished. The fields became lush and green, and the harvests were more plentiful than ever. Elara’s wish had come true, and the Magic Mountains were forever etched in the hearts of her people as a place of wonder and hope.

And so, Elara's tale spread far and wide, reminding everyone that magic exists in the purest of hearts and the most selfless of wishes.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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