Виталий Лобанов



Короткие сказки про маленького дракона и жабу

Once upon a time, in a mystical forest nestled between towering trees and babbling brooks, lived a little dragon named Ember. Ember was not like the fearsome dragons of legend; instead, he was small, with shimmering scales that sparkled like rubies in the sunlight. Despite his diminutive size, Ember had a heart as big as the sky itself.

One sunny morning, as Ember was exploring the forest, he stumbled upon a small pond. Curious, he approached the water's edge and discovered a toad named Thaddeus sitting on a lily pad. Thaddeus was not an ordinary toad; he wore a tiny top hat and a monocle, giving him an air of sophistication.

"Good day, young dragon," Thaddeus croaked politely.

Ember smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hello, Mr. Toad! What are you doing here?"

Thaddeus adjusted his monocle and replied, "I am simply enjoying the tranquility of this pond, my dear dragon. It's a lovely spot for contemplation and relaxation."

Ember nodded, intrigued by the toad's refined mannerisms. "Would you like to explore the forest with me, Mr. Toad?"

Thaddeus hesitated for a moment, then nodded graciously. "Why, I believe that would be delightful, young dragon."

And so, Ember and Thaddeus embarked on an adventure through the enchanted forest. Along the way, they encountered fluttering butterflies, singing birds, and colorful flowers that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze. Ember regaled Thaddeus with tales of his past adventures, while Thaddeus shared his wisdom about the wonders of nature.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the forest, Ember and Thaddeus reached the edge of the pond once more. They bid each other farewell, knowing that their unlikely friendship would endure for years to come.

From that day forward, Ember and Thaddeus continued to explore the forest together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. And though they were an unusual pair—a dragon and a toad—they proved that true friendship knows no bounds in the magical world they called home.

Once upon a time, in a lush and verdant forest, there lived a tiny dragon named Ember and a wise old toad named Grumble. Ember was a curious little dragon with shimmering scales of gold and eyes that sparkled like stars. Grumble, on the other hand, was a stout toad with a wizened face and a voice that croaked like the gentle babble of a brook.

Ember and Grumble were unlikely friends, for dragons and toads were not known to be companions in the enchanted forest. Yet, their friendship blossomed amidst the rustling leaves and trickling streams of their woodland home.

One sunny morning, as Ember was practicing his fiery breath, he accidentally singed the leaves of Grumble's favorite lily pad. Distressed by his mistake, Ember rushed to Grumble's side, apologizing profusely.

But Grumble merely chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Worry not, young Ember," he said. "Accidents happen, and lily pads can always grow anew. What matters most is that you are safe."

Ember was touched by Grumble's understanding and kindness. From that day forward, he vowed to be more careful with his fiery talents.

As the seasons passed, Ember and Grumble embarked on many adventures together. They explored hidden caves, soared through the clouds, and shared secrets by the light of the moon.

One chilly evening, as they huddled together by a crackling fire, Grumble imparted his wisdom to Ember. "Remember, little one," he said, "true strength lies not in the flames you breathe, but in the kindness you show to others."

Ember nodded solemnly, realizing the depth of Grumble's words. From that moment on, he endeavored to be not only a mighty dragon but also a gentle friend to all creatures of the forest.

And so, the tale of Ember the dragon and Grumble the toad spread throughout the enchanted forest, inspiring creatures great and small to cherish the bonds of friendship and kindness that know no boundaries. And in their hearts, Ember and Grumble knew that their unlikely friendship would forever be a beacon of light in the magical world they called home.

Once upon a time, in a mystical forest nestled between towering trees and trickling streams, there lived a little dragon named Ember. Ember was not like the other dragons in the forest. While they breathed fire and soared through the skies, Ember's wings were small and delicate, and flames barely flickered from Ember's snout.

One sunny morning, while Ember was exploring the forest, they stumbled upon a pond where a wise old toad named Oswald resided. Oswald was known throughout the forest for his wisdom and gentle nature. He had lived for many centuries, watching over the creatures of the forest with kindness and patience.

Curious, Ember approached Oswald, who greeted them with a warm smile. "Greetings, young one. What brings you to my humble abode?" Oswald asked, his voice as smooth as the ripples in the pond.

Ember explained their predicament, how they felt different from the other dragons and longed to discover their true purpose. Oswald listened intently, nodding sagely as Ember poured out their heart.

"My dear Ember," Oswald began, "do not despair. Your uniqueness is a gift, not a burden. Your flames may be small, but they hold a special magic within them, a magic of empathy and understanding."

With Oswald's guidance, Ember embarked on a journey of self-discovery. They learned to embrace their differences and to see the world through compassionate eyes. Along the way, Ember and Oswald formed a deep bond, sharing stories and laughter as they explored the wonders of the forest together.

As the seasons changed and time passed, Ember grew into a magnificent dragon, not defined by the size of their flames or the span of their wings, but by the kindness and love they spread throughout the forest.

And so, in the heart of the mystical forest, a friendship blossomed between a little dragon and a wise old toad, proving that true magic lies not in grand gestures or mighty deeds, but in the simple act of kindness and acceptance.

Once upon a time, nestled deep within the enchanted forest, there lived a tiny dragon named Ember. Ember was unlike any other dragon in the land; small in stature but big in heart, with shimmering scales the color of a twilight sky. Despite being small, Ember dreamed of grand adventures beyond the forest's edge.

One sunny morning, while exploring the forest, Ember stumbled upon a curious sight—a chubby toad named Tumble sitting by a glistening pond. Tumble was known for his wisdom and patience, and he spent his days observing the secrets of the forest.

Ember approached Tumble with cautious curiosity, and soon they struck up an unlikely friendship. Tumble, with his calm demeanor, taught Ember the importance of patience and observation, while Ember, with his fiery spirit, filled Tumble's days with excitement and wonder.

Together, they embarked on countless adventures, from climbing the tallest trees to swimming in the deepest lakes. Ember learned valuable lessons from Tumble about the delicate balance of nature and the importance of kindness towards all creatures, no matter how different they may seem.

As the seasons changed and the years passed, Ember and Tumble's bond only grew stronger. They became inseparable companions, exploring every corner of the forest together and sharing in each other's joys and sorrows.

One day, when a fierce storm threatened to engulf the forest in darkness, Ember and Tumble stood side by side, facing the tempest with bravery and resilience. With Ember's fiery breath and Tumble's wise counsel, they guided the forest creatures to safety, proving that even the smallest of creatures could make a difference in the face of adversity.

From that day forth, Ember and Tumble were hailed as heroes of the forest, their friendship serving as a beacon of hope and unity for all who dwelled within its enchanted embrace. And though their adventures continued, one thing remained certain—the bond between a little dragon and a toad would forever be a tale of friendship, courage, and the magic of unlikely companionship.

Once upon a time, nestled deep within the enchanted forest, there lived a little dragon named Ember. Ember was not like the other dragons in the realm; instead of breathing fire, Ember's breath was a gentle warmth that sparkled like embers in a campfire.

One sunny morning, while exploring the forest, Ember stumbled upon a toad named Tully. Tully was a wise old toad, with warts as ancient as the trees themselves. Despite their differences, Ember and Tully quickly became the best of friends.

As the seasons changed, Ember and Tully embarked on countless adventures together. They soared through the skies, danced in the moonlight, and shared stories by the flickering fireflies. Ember taught Tully how to dream big, while Tully shared the secrets of the forest and its hidden wonders.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the land, Ember and Tully stumbled upon a great challenge. A wicked witch had cast a spell over the forest, shrouding it in darkness. The once vibrant trees now stood silent, their leaves withered and lifeless.

With bravery in their hearts, Ember and Tully set out to break the witch's curse. Ember's warmth melted away the icy grip of the spell, while Tully's wisdom guided them through the darkest of shadows. Together, they restored the forest to its former glory, filling it with light and laughter once more.

From that day forward, Ember and Tully were hailed as heroes of the forest, their bond stronger than ever before. As they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, they knew that no matter where their adventures may lead, they would always have each other by their side.

And so, with the dawn of a new day, Ember and Tully set off on their next great adventure, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together. For in the heart of the enchanted forest, the friendship between a little dragon and a wise old toad would forever burn bright, a beacon of hope and love for all who dared to dream.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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