Виталий Лобанов



Короткие сказки про летающего крокодила

Once upon a time in a lush, enchanted jungle, there lived a crocodile named Kavi. Unlike his brothers and sisters, Kavi had a peculiar dream – he wanted to fly. The other crocodiles laughed at him and called him foolish, but Kavi’s heart was filled with hope and determination.

One day, while basking in the sun near a shimmering lake, Kavi noticed a sparkling feather drifting on the water. It was unlike any feather he had ever seen, glowing with a magical light. Intrigued, he picked it up and tucked it behind his ear.

To Kavi’s amazement, the moment the feather touched him, he felt a surge of energy. His scaly legs lifted off the ground, and he began to rise into the air. Kavi was flying! Overjoyed, he soared above the treetops, gliding gracefully through the sky.

Word of the flying crocodile quickly spread throughout the jungle. Animals from far and wide gathered to witness the incredible sight. Kavi performed dazzling aerial displays, looping and diving with unparalleled skill. The once-mocking crocodiles now watched in awe and envy.

As days turned into weeks, Kavi’s flying became an integral part of the jungle’s life. Birds sought his help to reach high branches for nesting, and monkeys cheered as he performed stunts. However, Kavi’s heart remained humble. He never forgot the laughter of his peers and wished to share his gift with them.

One evening, as the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Kavi gathered all the crocodiles by the lake. He told them about the magical feather and how it granted him the power to fly. Then, with a heartfelt smile, he plucked a scale from his own tail and dipped it into the lake’s sparkling water. Miraculously, the scale began to glow just like the feather.

Kavi handed the glowing scale to his eldest brother, who nervously placed it behind his ear. In an instant, his brother was lifted into the air, flapping clumsily but flying nonetheless. Cheers erupted from the crowd, and one by one, Kavi shared his scales with the other crocodiles.

From that day on, the jungle was a paradise of flying crocodiles. They became the guardians of the sky, helping and protecting the other creatures. Kavi’s dream had not only come true but had also transformed the lives of his entire family.

And so, in the enchanted jungle, the tale of Kavi, the flying crocodile, was told for generations, a story of dreams, kindness, and the magic of believing in oneself.

The end.

In a lush, emerald forest deep in the heart of a mystical land, there was a creature unlike any other. His name was Crocus, and he was a flying crocodile. Crocus was no ordinary crocodile; he had shimmering emerald scales and wings that sparkled like sunlight on water. He was kind and wise, always ready to help those in need.

One sunny day, the animals of the forest gathered around the Great Oak for the annual Summer Festival. Birds sang, deer danced, and rabbits played games. However, the mood turned somber when the elder owl, Olwen, shared some troubling news.

“The enchanted river that gives life to our forest is drying up,” Olwen hooted. “Without it, our home will wither and fade.”

The animals gasped, looking to each other in fear. They knew the river was magical, and only the legendary Silver Moonflower, which bloomed on the highest peak of the Misty Mountains, could restore its flow. But the journey was perilous, and no creature had ever succeeded in retrieving the flower.

Crocus stepped forward, his wings spreading majestically. “I will find the Silver Moonflower,” he declared. The animals cheered, their hopes rekindled by the brave crocodile’s promise.

With a flap of his powerful wings, Crocus soared into the sky, leaving the worried yet hopeful animals behind. He flew over dense forests, vast deserts, and rolling hills, finally reaching the Misty Mountains. The peaks were shrouded in clouds, and the path was treacherous.

Crocus landed and began his ascent, navigating narrow ledges and steep cliffs. Along the way, he encountered various challenges: a mischievous troll, a ferocious snow leopard, and icy winds that threatened to blow him off course. Using his wits, strength, and gentle nature, he overcame each obstacle, earning the respect and friendship of those he met.

At last, Crocus reached the summit, where the Silver Moonflower stood in full bloom, its petals glowing with a silvery light. As he plucked the flower, the mountain shook, and a blizzard began to howl. Crocus knew he had to act quickly. Clutching the precious flower, he launched himself into the stormy sky.

The journey back was even more challenging, but Crocus was determined. He flew through the storm, his wings straining against the wind, and finally, after what felt like an eternity, he saw the familiar trees of his forest home.

The animals cheered as Crocus landed by the riverbank, exhausted but triumphant. He carefully placed the Silver Moonflower in the river, and as its petals touched the water, a brilliant light enveloped the forest. The river began to flow again, sparkling and full of life.

Flowers bloomed, trees thrived, and the animals rejoiced. Crocus had saved their home, and from that day on, he was hailed as the hero of the forest. The legend of the flying crocodile spread far and wide, inspiring stories of courage, friendship, and the magic that lies within every heart.

And so, the forest flourished under the watchful wings of Crocus, the flying crocodile, who proved that with bravery and kindness, even the most daunting challenges could be overcome.

Once upon a time, in the heart of an enchanted forest, there lived a crocodile named Crispin. Unlike other crocodiles, Crispin had shimmering emerald scales and a pair of magnificent, feathered wings. However, Crispin did not know he could fly, for his wings had never been used.

One sunny morning, as Crispin basked by the sparkling river, he overheard a conversation between two mischievous magpies. They spoke of a magical tree on the highest peak of Mount Nimbus, which granted wishes to those who could reach its top branches. Crispin's heart leaped with excitement. For as long as he could remember, his greatest wish was to explore the world beyond the forest.

Determined, Crispin set off towards Mount Nimbus. The journey was arduous; he crawled through dense thickets, crossed rushing streams, and climbed rocky cliffs. As he climbed higher, the forest became denser and the air thinner. Crispin grew tired and was about to give up when he heard a gentle whisper in the wind.

"Use your wings, Crispin," the wind seemed to say.

Startled, Crispin looked at his wings, which had always been a part of him but were now glowing softly in the moonlight. Tentatively, he spread them wide and, with a deep breath, flapped them. To his amazement, his heavy body lifted off the ground. Crispin soared higher and higher, the trees and rocks becoming tiny specks below him.

With newfound confidence, Crispin flew towards the peak of Mount Nimbus. The journey that would have taken days on foot now took mere hours. As he approached the summit, he saw the magical tree, its golden leaves shimmering in the starlight.

Crispin landed gracefully at the base of the tree and whispered his wish. "I wish to see the world beyond this forest."

The tree's branches rustled, and a warm, golden light enveloped Crispin. Suddenly, he found himself soaring above vast landscapes – rolling hills, sparkling lakes, bustling villages, and endless oceans. Crispin marveled at the beauty of the world and felt a joy he had never known.

From that day on, Crispin the flying crocodile became a legend. He would often return to his forest home to share stories of his adventures with the other animals, inspiring them to believe in the magic within themselves.

And so, Crispin lived happily ever after, flying high and exploring the wonders of the world, his heart forever filled with the spirit of adventure.

Once upon a time, in the heart of an enchanted forest, there was a peculiar crocodile named Crocobella. Unlike her kin who slithered through swamps and lounged in rivers, Crocobella had a pair of shimmering, emerald wings hidden under her scales. She was a flying crocodile, a marvel to behold.

Crocobella lived near the sparkling Moonlit Lake, which glowed silver under the night sky. She spent her days swimming in its cool waters and her nights soaring above the treetops, basking in the moon’s gentle glow. Despite her unique gift, Crocobella often felt lonely, for the other animals feared her sharp teeth and powerful tail.

One bright morning, as Crocobella practiced her aerial loops, she heard a distressed cry. It was Lila, the tiniest fawn in the forest, trapped in a thorny bush by the lake’s edge. The other animals were too afraid to approach her, but Crocobella, with her strong wings and kind heart, swooped down without hesitation.

With gentle precision, Crocobella used her mighty tail to snap the thorns and her powerful jaws to lift Lila to safety. The little fawn gazed up at her rescuer with wide, grateful eyes.

“Thank you, Crocobella,” Lila said, her voice trembling. “I was so scared.”

Crocobella smiled, her sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. “You’re welcome, Lila. There’s nothing to fear anymore.”

Word of Crocobella’s bravery spread quickly through the forest. The animals realized that although she had a fearsome appearance, her heart was as golden as the sun that warmed their world. Slowly but surely, they began to approach her, each with a request or a simple hello. They sought her help in various ways—fetching fruit from tall trees, guiding lost creatures, or simply sharing stories by the lake.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the animals gathered for a grand feast by Moonlit Lake to celebrate their newfound friendship with Crocobella. Fireflies danced in the air, and the scent of fresh berries and honey filled the breeze. The animals laughed and sang, and Crocobella, her wings spread wide, felt a warmth in her heart that she had never known before.

From that day on, Crocobella was no longer just the flying crocodile; she was a cherished friend, a guardian of the forest, and a symbol of the beauty that lies beneath an unexpected exterior.

And so, in the heart of the enchanted forest, where the moonlit waters sparkled and the air was filled with laughter, Crocobella and her friends lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time, in the heart of a lush, enchanted jungle, there lived a crocodile named Crispin. Unlike any other crocodile, Crispin had a unique gift: he could fly. With emerald-green wings that shimmered in the sunlight, Crispin soared above the treetops, exploring places no crocodile had ever seen.

The animals of the jungle were both amazed and puzzled by Crispin. The monkeys chattered excitedly about his adventures, while the parrots sang songs of his bravery. However, not all creatures were pleased. The old, wise turtle, Tiberius, believed that Crispin's gift was a curse. "A crocodile was meant to swim, not fly," Tiberius would say. But Crispin didn't let this discourage him. He knew his wings were a blessing, a gift from the jungle's ancient magic.

One day, a terrible drought struck the jungle. The rivers dried up, and the animals began to suffer. Crispin watched as his friends grew weaker, their spirits dimming. Determined to help, Crispin took to the sky, his wings beating with purpose. He flew over mountains and valleys, searching for a solution.

In a distant land, Crispin discovered a hidden lake, sparkling with crystal-clear water. Realizing this was the answer to his friends' plight, he quickly devised a plan. Crispin gathered giant leaves and vines, weaving them into a makeshift sack. With great effort, he filled it with the precious water and began his journey back home.

The flight was long and arduous, but Crispin's love for his friends gave him strength. When he finally returned, the animals of the jungle watched in awe as he poured the water into the parched riverbeds. The rivers flowed once more, and the jungle sprang back to life. Flowers bloomed, and the trees regained their lush foliage.

The animals celebrated Crispin's bravery and ingenuity. Even Tiberius, the wise turtle, admitted he had been wrong. "You have shown us that sometimes, the most extraordinary gifts can save us all," Tiberius said with a bow.

From that day on, Crispin was known as the Guardian of the Skies. He continued to fly high above the jungle, ready to help whenever his friends needed him. And so, the enchanted jungle thrived under the watchful eyes of Crispin, the flying crocodile, whose wings brought hope and magic to all who lived there.

And they all lived happily ever after.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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