Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Новый учитель

Episode 1: The New Teacher Arrives

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Hi everyone, I am your new teacher.

Student A: Oh great, another boring teacher.

Student B: Yeah, we already have enough of those.

Teacher: Well, I hope to bring some new energy to this classroom.

Student C: (sarcastically) Oh boy, can't wait for that.

Student D: Hey, give her a chance.

Teacher: Thank you, I appreciate that.

Episode 2: Expectations vs Reality

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright, let's get started on today's lesson.

Student A: (whispering to Student B) Bet it's going to be another snooze fest.

Teacher: (overhearing) Actually, today we are going to learn about the history of memes.

Student B: Wait, what? Are you serious?

Teacher: (smiling) Yes, memes. They are a big part of modern culture and I thought it would be fun to learn about their origins.

Student C: This might not be so bad after all.

Episode 3: The Pop Quiz

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, time for a pop quiz!

(Students groan)

Teacher: Don't worry, it's just a quick check to see how much you've retained since our last lesson.

Student D: (whispering to Student A) I didn't study at all.

Student A: (whispering back) Me neither.

Teacher: (sensing the nervous energy) Relax everyone, I promise it's nothing too difficult.

(Student B finishes the quiz first and seems excited)

Student B: Yes, got them all right!

Teacher: Great job, Student B.

(Student A and Student D look at each other nervously)

Episode 4: The Field Trip

Scene: A bus

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, get on the bus. We're going on a field trip!

(Student B cheers)

Student A: (whispering to Student D) I wonder where we're going.

Student D: (whispering back) Who knows, as long as it's not a museum.

(Teacher enters the bus)

Teacher: We're going to the zoo!

(Student A and Student D smile)

Student B: Yes! I love animals!

Student C: (rolling her eyes) I'm more of a city girl myself.

Episode 5: The Substitute

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Substitute Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Substitute Teacher: Good morning class, I am your substitute teacher for today.

(Student A whispers to Student B)

Student A: (whispering) This is going to be a disaster.

(Student B stifles a laugh)

Substitute Teacher: Let's see. (flipping through papers) Ah, it looks like your regular teacher left a note saying you're all caught up on your work. So, what should we do today?

(Student C raises her hand)

Substitute Teacher: Yes, Student C?

Student C: Can we have a free study period? I have an important test coming up.

Substitute Teacher: (smiling) That sounds like a great idea. Take advantage of this opportunity to review your notes and study for your test.

(Student A looks baffled)

Episode 6: The Talent Show

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, tomorrow is the school talent show. Who wants to participate?

(Student A and Student D look at each other hesitantly)

Student B: Ooh, I want to do it!

Teacher: Great, what's your talent?

(Student B takes out a violin)

Student B: I want to play the violin.

Teacher: (impressed) That's wonderful! What about the rest of you?

(Student C looks annoyed)

Student C: I don't have any talents.

(Student D shrugs)

Student D: I can breakdance a little.

(Student A mumbles)

Teacher: Come on, don't be shy. It's all about having fun and showing off your skills.

Episode 7: The Pet Project

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, it's time for our pet project.

Student A: (excitedly) Yes! I've been waiting for this.

Teacher: (smiling) I'm glad to hear that. Each of you will be responsible for researching and presenting a different animal.

(Student B looks enthusiastic)

Student B: Can I do a dolphin?

Teacher: Sure, that's a great choice. How about you, Student C?

Student C: (sighing) I guess I'll do a cat.

(Student D looks excited)

Student D: Can I do a snake?

Teacher: (surprised) A snake? I don't think anyone's ever chosen that before.

Episode 8: The Science Fair

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, today is the science fair. I'm excited to see what you've all come up with.

(Student A looks nervous)

Student A: I don't think mine will be very impressive.

Teacher: You never know until you try. What did you do your project on?

Student A: (sheepishly) The effects of different types of music on plant growth.

Teacher: (intrigued) That sounds fascinating. I can't wait to see it.

(Student B looks confident)

Student B: Mine's on the conservation of marine life.

Teacher: (impressed) That's a very important topic.

Episode 9: The Holiday Party

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Alright everyone, it's almost time for our holiday party.

(Student A looks excited)

Student A: Yes! I love holiday parties.

Teacher: Me too. We're going to have food, games, and a surprise visitor.

(Student C looks skeptical)

Student C: Who's the visitor?

Teacher: It's someone who knows a lot about the holiday we're celebrating.

(Student D looks curious)

Student D: Ooh, I wonder who it could be.

Student B: (smiling) I'm just looking forward to the food.

Episode 10: The End of the Year

Scene: A classroom

Characters: Teacher, Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D

Teacher: Well everyone, it's the end of the year.

(Student A looks bittersweet)

Student A: I can't believe it's already over.

Student B: (nodding) Yeah, it went by so fast.

Teacher: I'm going to miss all of you. You've been such a great class.

(Student C looks surprised)

Student C: Really? We haven't exactly been the best students.

Teacher: (laughing) You may not have been perfect, but you made every day interesting and fun. I hope you all have a great summer and keep learning.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561