Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Соседи

Episode 1:

1. John - The nosy neighbor
2. Karen - John's wife
3. Mike - Neighbor #1
4. Lisa - Mike's wife
5. Jack - The eccentric neighbor

John: (Peering out of the window) Karen, come quickly! Something's happening next door!

Karen: (Walks over and looks out the window) What is it this time?

John: Look, Mike is trying to climb into his own house through the window!

Karen: (Looks at Mike struggling to climb through the window) Oh my goodness! He's going to hurt himself!

Mike: (Finally makes it through the window) Phew! That was close.

Lisa: (Walks in) Mike, what on earth... oh, hi John and Karen!

John: (Waves) Did you see that, Lisa? Your husband just climbed through the window!

Lisa: (Sighs) Yes, he does that sometimes. At least he's amusing himself during quarantine.

Jack: (Pops up from behind the fence) Hey guys, what's going on?

Karen: (Startled) Oh, hi Jack. Mike just climbed through the window.

Jack: (Laughs) Classic Mike. Hey, anyone want to see my new pet snake?

Episode 2:

1. Karen - Nosy neighbor's wife
2. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife
3. Jack - Eccentric neighbor
4. Becky - Neighbor #2
5. Tom - Becky's husband

Karen: (Watching through the window) Lisa, what are Becky and Tom doing with all those boxes?

Lisa: (Peeks out the window) Oh, I heard they're moving out.

Jack: (Pops up behind them) Moving out? But they just moved in a few months ago!

Becky: (Walks over) Hey guys, have you seen Tom? He's supposed to be helping me pack.

Karen: (Excitedly) Are you guys moving out?

Becky: (Sighs) Yes, we got a better offer on another house.

Tom: (Walks in) Hey everyone, sorry I'm late.

Jack: (Looks at Tom) Oh wow, you look tired. What happened?

Tom: (Groans) We've been packing all day. It's exhausting.

Lisa: (Sympathetically) I know, moving is tough. I'll come help you guys tomorrow.

Karen: (Chirps in) Me too! I've got boxes in the basement you guys can use.

Episode 3:

1. Jack - Eccentric neighbor
2. Becky - Neighbor #2
3. Karen - Nosy neighbor's wife
4. Tom - Becky's husband
5. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife

Jack: (Walking around with a metal detector) Hey guys, check out what I found!

Becky: (Looks at Jack's metal detector) What is it?

Jack: (Holds up a ring) It's a diamond ring!

Karen: (Excitedly) Oh my goodness, really? Let me see!

Tom: (Looks at the ring) You know, that looks a lot like the one I lost last week.

Jack: (Surprised) Oh really? I found it buried in the dirt over here.

Lisa: (Suspiciously) Hmm, that's interesting. What are the odds of that?

Becky: (Puts her arm around Tom) We appreciate the gesture, Jack, but we're pretty sure that's ours.

Karen: (Deflated) Oh, well. It was worth a shot.

Jack: (Skeptically) Are you guys sure? This ring is expensive.

Tom: (Smiling) Yes, we're sure. Thanks anyway, Jack.

Episode 4:

1. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife
2. Becky - Neighbor #2
3. John - Nosy neighbor
4. Karen - John's wife
5. Jack - Eccentric neighbor

Lisa: (Knocking on Becky's door) Hey, have you guys seen John today?

Becky: (Looks at Lisa) No, why?

Lisa: (Sighs) He left his lawnmower on our lawn again.

Karen: (Walking over) What's going on?

Lisa: (Exasperated) John left his lawnmower on our lawn again. He does this every week.

John: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's up?

Karen: (Pointing at the lawnmower) This is the fourth time you've left your lawnmower on our lawn.

John: (Defensively) Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize.

Jack: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's going on?

Lisa: (Frustrated) John left his lawnmower on our lawn again.

Jack: (Laughing) Classic John. You should see how many times he's left his car keys in my mailbox.

Episode 5:

1. John - Nosy neighbor
2. Karen - John's wife
3. Mike - Neighbor #1
4. Lisa - Mike's wife
5. Jack - Eccentric neighbor

John: (Looking out the window) Hey Karen, check it out. Mike's mowing his lawn again.

Karen: (Sighs) Isn't that the third time this week?

John: (Jokingly) Maybe he's trying to set a world record.

Mike: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's up?

Karen: (Surprised) Oh, hi Mike. Just wondering why you're mowing your lawn again.

Mike: (Laughs) Yeah, I know. I'm a bit obsessed with keeping it perfect.

Lisa: (Walking over) I feel your pain. I caught him up at midnight once watering the grass.

Jack: (Pops up) Midnight? I thought that was just me.

Mike: (Sheepishly) Yeah, I know. I'm a bit crazy about it.

John: (Smiling) Hey, at least you're doing something productive during quarantine.

Episode 6:

1. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife
2. Becky - Neighbor #2
3. Jack - Eccentric neighbor
4. Tom - Becky's husband
5. John - Nosy neighbor

Lisa: (Walks over to Becky's lawn) Hey, what happened to your garden?

Becky: (Sighs) Tom accidentally sprayed weed killer on everything.

Jack: (Walking over) That's a shame. I was really looking forward to those tomatoes.

Becky: (Worried) I hope everything grows back okay.

John: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's going on?

Tom: (Shakes his head) I accidentally sprayed weed killer on the garden.

John: (Smiling) Hey, no worries. That just means less work for you guys.

Lisa: (Shocked) John, that's not funny!

Jack: (Laughing) Come on, Lisa. Can't you take a joke?

Episode 7:

1. Karen - Nosy neighbor's wife
2. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife
3. John - Nosy neighbor
4. Mike - Neighbor #1
5. Jack - Eccentric neighbor

Karen: (Peering out the window) Oh my goodness, there's a bear in Mike's backyard!

Lisa: (Walks over to the window) What? Are you serious?

John: (Excitedly) Quick, let's get a closer look!

Mike: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's going on?

Karen: (Whispering) There's a bear in your backyard!

Mike: (Laughing) Oh yeah, that's just my neighbor's dog. He's harmless.

Jack: (Laughing) Classic Karen. Always seeing things.

Mike: (Looking at the dog) Yeah, he likes to play in the backyard.

Lisa: (Relieved) Thank goodness. I was getting worried.

John: (Laughs) You had us going there, Mike.

Episode 8:

1. Becky - Neighbor #2
2. Tom - Becky's husband
3. Jack - Eccentric neighbor
4. Karen - Nosy neighbor's wife
5. John - Nosy neighbor

Becky: (Walking up to the mailbox) Oh no, the mail's already been delivered.

Tom: (Walking up) Why? What are you expecting?

Becky: (Hesitating) Just some confidential information.

Jack: (Walking over) Hey guys, what's going on?

Karen: (Excitedly) Becky's waiting for some confidential information in the mail.

John: (Smiling) Oh really? Anything juicy?

Becky: (Embarrassed) It's personal. I don't want to talk about it.

Jack: (Smiling) I understand. I once ordered a giant gorilla costume in the mail and was worried my neighbors would judge me.

Tom: (Laughing) I remember that! You wore it to the block party.

Karen: (Laughing) Classic Jack.

Episode 9:

1. John - Nosy neighbor
2. Karen - John's wife
3. Lisa - Neighbor #1's wife
4. Becky - Neighbor #2
5. Jack - Eccentric neighbor

John: (Excitedly) Hey guys, guess who moved in next door?

Karen: (Peeking out the window) Oh wow, they look fancy.

Lisa: (Sauntering over) Who is it?

John: (Smiling) You won't believe it, it's a celebrity!

Becky: (Excitedly) Who? Who?

John: (Hesitating) Well, I'm not supposed to say...

Jack: (Laughing) He doesn't even know who it is.

Karen: (Smiling) Come on, John. Don't keep us waiting.

John: (Smiling) Alright, alright. It's... the mayor's cousin.

Lisa: (Rolling her eyes) John, that's not a celebrity.

John: (Defensively) Well, he's still pretty important.

Episode 10:

1. Jack - Eccentric neighbor
2. Karen - Nosy neighbor's wife
3. Mike - Neighbor #1
4. Lisa - Mike's wife
5. Tom - Becky's husband

Jack: (Pops up from behind the fence) Hey guys, check out my new invention.

Karen: (Walking over) What is it?

Jack: (Holding up a contraption) It's a self-watering garden.

Mike: (Intrigued) How does it work?

Jack: (Explaining) The water gets automatically distributed through these tubes.

Lisa: (Impressed) That's amazing!

Tom: (Looking at the tubes) You're a genius, Jack.

Karen: (Excitedly) Can we see it in action?

Jack: (Smiling) Of course! Let me grab the hose.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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