Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Переезд

Episode 1: The Decision

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Emily: “Hey guys, I have some news.”

Michael: “What’s up Em?”

Jack: “Spit it out already.”

Emily: “We’re moving.”

Sarah: “What? Where to?”

Liam: “Why didn’t you tell us before?”

Emily: “Dad got a new job in Texas, and we’re moving in a month.”


Episode 2: The Preparation

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Michael: “So, we have a month to pack everything up.”

Jack: “We need a plan.”

Sarah: “I’ll help with the packing.”

Liam: “I’ll take care of the garage.”

Emily: “I’ll start selling the furniture we don’t need.”


Episode 3: The Goodbye

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Michael: “This is it.”

Jack: “Sad to leave our friends behind.”

Sarah: “Yeah, gonna miss them all.”

Liam: “Can’t believe we’re actually doing this.”

Emily: “We’ll make new friends in Texas.”


Episode 4: The New Neighbors

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam + New Neighbors

Emily: “Hi, I’m Emily. We just moved in.”

New Neighbor 1: “Hi, I’m Bob. Welcome to the neighborhood.”

New Neighbor 2: “I’m Kelly. Nice to meet you.”

Michael: “I’m Michael. Thanks for having us.”

Jack: “I’m Jack. You guys seem nice.”

Sarah: “I’m Sarah. Do you guys know any good places to eat?”

Liam: “I’m Liam. This place is different from what we’re used to.”


Episode 5: The First Day of School

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam + School Principal & New Schoolmates

School Principal: “Welcome, kids. I’m Principal Johnson. Let’s make this year a great one.”

New Schoolmate 1: “Hi, I’m Peter. What’s your name?”

New Schoolmate 2: “Hey, I’m Lisa. Nice to meet you.”

Emily: “I’m Emily. We just moved here.”

Michael: “I’m Michael. Good to meet you both.”

Jack: “I’m Jack. Do you guys know any activities around here?”

Sarah: “I’m Sarah. What are your hobbies?”

Liam: “I’m Liam. Do you guys know any good places to explore?”


Episode 6: The Adaptation

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Emily: “I miss our old friends.”

Michael: “Yeah, me too. But we can still stay in touch.”

Jack: “I’m starting to like it here though.”

Sarah: “Same here. I made some new friends.”

Liam: “I’ve been exploring the town, it’s pretty cool.”


Episode 7: The Housewarming Party

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam + New Neighbors

Emily: “Thanks for coming, guys.”

New Neighbor 1: “Your house is lovely.”

New Neighbor 2: “We’re happy to be here.”

Michael: “The party’s just getting started.”

Jack: “We got some great food.”

Sarah: “And some great drinks.”

Liam: “Let’s make some memories.”


Episode 8: The Hiccups

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Emily: “This move has had some hiccups.”

Michael: “Like what?”

Jack: “We miss our old school.”

Sarah: “And our old teachers.”

Liam: “And our old house.”

Emily: “But we’re starting to create new memories here.”


Episode 9: The Unexpected

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Emily: “Something unexpected happened.”

Michael: “What is it?”

Jack: “Is everyone okay?”

Sarah: “What’s going on Em?”

Liam: “Don’t keep us in suspense.”

Emily: “Dad got promoted.”


Episode 10: The Conclusion

Characters: Emily, Michael, Jack, Sarah, and Liam

Emily: “So, we’re here to stay.”

Michael: “Dad’s job is secure.”

Jack: “And we’re all doing great in school.”

Sarah: “We even made new friends.”

Liam: “This place is starting to feel like home.”

Emily: “Thanks to all of you.”

Michael: “We did it together.”

Jack: “And we’ll keep doing it together.”

Sarah: “As a team.”

Liam: “Forever.”

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561