Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Преступление

Episode 1 - "The Great Heist"

(Character 1) - "Hey, did you hear about the bank robbery last night?"

(Character 2) - "No, what happened?"

(Character 1) - "Well, a group of burglars broke into the vault and stole a bunch of cash and jewels. They got away with millions of dollars!"

(Character 3) - "Wow, that's insane! How did they manage to pull it off?"

(Character 4) - "I heard that they dressed up as janitors and snuck in through the back door."

(Character 5) - "Ha! That's ridiculous. I bet they left behind some crucial evidence that'll get them caught."

Episode 2 - "Caught Red-Handed"

(Character 1) - "Did you hear the news? The police caught the bank robbers!"

(Character 2) - "Really? How did they find them?"

(Character 3) - "Apparently, one of the burglars accidentally left behind a half-eaten sandwich with their DNA on it."

(Character 4) - "Classic rookie mistake. That's like robbing a bank and forgetting to wear a mask."

(Character 5) - "So, did they recover all the stolen money?"

(Character 1) - "Nope. The robbers buried the loot in a park and forgot where they put it."

Episode 3 - "Treasure Hunting"

(Character 2) - "Hey, I've got an idea. Let's go treasure hunting!"

(Character 3) - "What do you mean?"

(Character 2) - "We can go search for the stolen money in the park. Maybe we'll get lucky and find it."

(Character 4) - "Ha! That's a terrible idea. We'll just end up getting arrested for trespassing."

(Character 5) - "I'm game. Let's do it!"

Episode 4 - "The Secret Map"

(Character 1) - "Guys, you won't believe it. I found a secret map that leads to the buried treasure!"

(Character 3) - "What? Where did you get it?"

(Character 1) - "I saw it on eBay. Some guy was selling it for 20 bucks."

(Character 2) - "This is crazy. How do we know it's even real?"

(Character 4) - "Who cares? It's worth a shot. Let's go find that money!"

(Character 5) - "I don't know about this. It sounds too good to be true."

Episode 5 - "X Marks the Spot"

(Character 1) - "Okay, according to the map, the treasure is buried under that tree over there."

(Character 2) - "I don't see anything."

(Character 3) - "Me neither. Maybe the map is fake after all."

(Character 4) - "Wait, I think I see something poking out of the ground."

(Character 5) - "Holy crap, it's a giant sack of money!"

Episode 6 - "Trick or Treat"

(Character 1) - "Guys, I just realized something. Halloween is coming up. We should dress up as the bank robbers and scare the crap out of people."

(Character 2) - "That's a terrible idea. We'll get arrested for sure."

(Character 3) - "No, hear me out. We'll only do it for a few minutes, just long enough to get a few laughs and take some pictures."

(Character 4) - "I don't know about this. It sounds like a recipe for disaster."

(Character 5) - "I'm with (Character 3). It could be hilarious. Let's do it!"

Episode 7 - "The Halloween Prank"

(Character 1) - "Okay, (Character 2) and (Character 4), you guys go ring the doorbell and I'll sneak around back. (Character 3) and (Character 5), you guys hide behind those bushes over there and jump out at the right moment."

(Character 2) - "I can't believe we're doing this."

(Character 4) - "Shh, here comes the first house."

(Character 1) - "Trick or treat!"

(Character 2) - "Hey, we're the bank robbers from the news. Give us all your candy!"

(Character 3) - "Surprise!"

(Character 5) - "Gotcha!"

Episode 8 - "The Accidental Thief"

(Character 1) - "Guys, I have a confession to make. I accidentally walked off with someone's candy bag during our prank."

(Character 2) - "What? That's terrible. We need to give it back."

(Character 3) - "How do we even know whose bag it is?"

(Character 4) - "We can go door to door and ask if they're missing their candy."

(Character 5) - "That's a great idea. Let's get started."

Episode 9 - "The Good Samaritans"

(Character 1) - "Okay, we've gone to every house on this street and nobody's missing a candy bag. What do we do now?"

(Character 2) - "I don't know. Maybe we should just keep it?"

(Character 3) - "No way. We can't steal from little kids."

(Character 4) - "I have an idea. Let's donate the candy to the local children's hospital."

(Character 5) - "That's a great idea! Let's do it!"

Episode 10 - "The Grand Finale"

(Character 1) - "Guys, I just got a call from the hospital. They wanted to thank us for the candy donation and invite us to their annual charity comedy night."

(Character 2) - "No way! That's amazing."

(Character 3) - "What are we waiting for? Let's go make them laugh!"

(Character 4) - "This is going to be epic!"

(Character 5) - "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces."

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561