Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Концерт

Title: The Musician's Meltdown

Setting: The stage of a concert

1. John - the lead singer of the band
2. Sarah - the pianist
3. Mark - the drummer
4. Dave - the sound engineer

Episode 1: Pre-concert chaos

The stage is being set for the big concert. John is practicing his vocals, Sarah is tuning her piano, Mark is testing his drums, and Dave is tinkering with the sound system. Suddenly, John's microphone malfunctions, and he starts yelling at Dave. Chaos ensues as everyone scrambles to fix the problem.

Episode 2: The concert begins

Finally, the concert begins. The audience is cheering, and the band starts to play. John is singing his heart out, Sarah is playing flawlessly, and Mark is keeping the rhythm. Dave is working hard to ensure that the sound quality is top-notch.

Episode 3: Mishap on stage

Suddenly, Sarah misses a key, and John forgets his lyrics. The band halts, and the audience starts booing. Mark tries to restart the beat, but John and Sarah are too flustered to continue. Dave is frantically checking the sound system, and things are getting out of control.

Episode 4: The rescue

Just when things seem hopeless, a surprise guest appears on stage. It's a local comedian, who manages to distract the audience with his hilarious jokes. While he distracts the audience, Dave quickly fixes the sound system. The band resumes playing, and the concert is back on track.

Episode 5: The prank

During a break in the concert, Mark decides to play a prank on John. He switches John's guitar with a toy guitar, which will make a loud, embarrassing sound when John tries to play it. The other members of the band are in on the joke and start snickering.

Episode 6: John's meltdown

As they resume playing, John picks up his guitar and starts to strum. Suddenly, a loud fart sound echoes through the auditorium. The audience bursts out laughing, and John's face turns bright red. He throws the guitar to the ground and storms off the stage.

Episode 7: The aftermath

The rest of the band tries to continue playing, but it's clear that John won't be coming back. They decide to cut the concert short, to a chorus of disappointed groans from the crowd. The band members look at each other sheepishly, knowing that their concert was a disaster.

Episode 8: The explanation

Backstage, Mark admits to the prank and apologizes to John. John can't help but laugh, and all is forgiven. They come up with a new plan to salvage the concert.

Episode 9: The encore

The band decides to come back on stage for an encore, but with a twist. John and Sarah switch instruments, and Mark and Dave switch places as well. They play a funky instrumental tune that gets the crowd going wild.

Episode 10: Happy ending

The concert ends on a high note, and the audience gives the band a standing ovation. John, Sarah, Mark, and Dave take a bow, looking relieved and happy. They may have had a meltdown on stage, but they managed to rescue the concert and leave the audience cheering for more.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561