Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Кемпинг

Episode 1: The Plan

Scene: Four friends, Ravi, Raj, Priya, and Riya, are sitting in Ravi’s living room and planning their upcoming camping trip.

Ravi: Alright guys, let's get started with our camping plan. I think we should head to the Bear Lake campsite.

Raj: That sounds great. What about the tents?

Priya: I have one tent that can fit two of us.

Riya: I have another one that can fit the remaining two.

Ravi: Amazing, we’re sorted then.

Episode 2: The Adventure Begins

Scene: The four of them arrive at the campsite, set up their tents, and gather around a campfire.

Raj: This is fantastic, just sitting here surrounded by nature.

Priya: I couldn’t agree more. It feels so peaceful here.

Riya: Let’s have some fun. Who has a ghost story to tell?

Ravi: I don’t want to hear anything scary.

Priya: Come on. That’s the whole point of camping, getting scared and laughing it off.

Raj: Alright, who’s going to start?

Episode 3: The Storm Hits

Scene: As they are sitting around the fire, the sky begins to darken, and the sound of thunder can be heard in the distance.

Riya: Oh no, I think a storm is coming.

Priya: We need to put out the fire before it gets out of control.

Raj: I’ll grab the water.

Ravi: I’ll get the food.

Scene: As they rush around, the storm arrives, and it begins to pour rain.

Priya: Quickly, get into the tent.

Scene: All four of them race to their tents to avoid the downpour.

Episode 4: The Game

Scene: After the storm passes, the four of them are stuck inside the tent, and they start to get bored.

Raj: Any ideas for a game?

Riya: I know a game. We have to each say a word, and the next person must say a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.

Ravi: Alright, let’s give it a go.

Priya: Cat.

Raj: Tiger.

Riya: Rabbit.

Ravi: Tortoise.

Priya: Elephant.

Raj: Train.

Riya: Nap.

Ravi: Panther.

Priya: Ravi, your word doesn't start with N.

Episode 5: The Visitors

Scene: As night falls, the group settles down for bed. Suddenly, they hear rustling outside their tents.

Raj: Do you hear that?

Riya: What could it be?

Ravi: It could be a bear!

Priya: Don’t scare us like that.

Scene: They slowly peek out of their tent to see what's happening, and they see a group of raccoons rummaging through their food.

Raj: It’s just some raccoons.

Ravi: Those little guys almost gave me a heart attack.

Priya: We still need to figure out how to keep the animals away from our food.

Episode 6: The Escape

Scene: The next day, the group decides to go hiking and exploring.

Riya: Look at the view, it’s breathtaking.

Raj: It feels as if we are in paradise.

Scene: As they are walking, Priya suddenly steps on a snake.

Priya: (Screaming) Help! Get it off me!

Riya: Stay still, let me see.

Scene: Riya tries to remove the snake, but it wraps around Priya’s leg.

Raj: We need to get her to the hospital right away.

Ravi: But it's a long way to the hospital.

Scene: They spot a motorbike nearby, and Raj quickly volunteers to ride it to get help.

Episode 7: The Rescue

Scene: After a while, Raj returns with a doctor.

Doctor: Don’t worry, it’s not fatal. She just needs some rest.

Priya: Thank God you came.

Riya: That was such a big risk, going by bike.

Raj: I knew it’s less risky than walking hours to get help.

Episode 8: The Misadventures

Scene: As they all sit together again, the group starts sharing their crazy camping experiences.

Ravi: Remember the time I went to pee, and a deer almost attacked me?

Priya: Or the time when Riya got lost for hours?

Raj: And the time when we woke up with a family of foxes in our tent.

Riya: (Jokingly) I think we should stick to glamping from now on.

Scene: Everyone starts laughing.

Episode 9: The Final Moments

Scene: It’s the last morning of their camping trip, and they’re packing up their tents.

Priya: This was a great trip.

Riya: Yes, it was full of adventures.

Raj: We should do this annually.

Ravi: Definitely.

Scene: As they finish, they reflect on the trip.

Raj: It’s amazing how we went from freaking out over a storm to laughing so hard.

Riya: That’s how it is with good company.

Priya: Yeah, good company and adventure.

Ravi: We should end the trip with something memorable.

Scene: Ravi reaches into his bag and pulls out a guitar.

Episode 10: The Final Song

Scene: Ravi starts to play his guitar and the group joins him in singing “Country Road. ”

As they finish, they high-five each other.

Riya: That was unforgettable.

Priya: A perfect end to the perfect trip.

Ravi: I’m glad we managed to do this.

Raj: We should start planning the next trip soon.

Scene: As they walk away, carrying their gear, the scene shifts to the three raccoons, having a feast with leftover marshmallows and hotdogs.

Raccoon 1: (Burping) I think I ate too much.

Raccoon 2: (Smiling) But it was worth it.

Raccoon 3: (Laughing) Let’s hope they forget the cooler next time too.

Scene: The screen fades to black, and the final voiceover is of the four friends singing “Country Road” in the background. (End of episode)

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561