Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Большой экзамен

Title: The Big Exam

Episode 1: The Study Session

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are sitting in their dorm room, surrounded by piles of textbooks and notes.

Alice: (frustrated) I can't do this anymore! My brain is turning into mush.

Bob: (reassuringly) Don't worry, Alice. We'll get through this. We just need to put in more effort.

Charlie: (sarcastically) Oh, great. More effort. Just what I wanted to hear.

Dan: (serious) Guys, we can do this. We just need to focus on what's important and study smart.

Episode 2: The All-Nighter

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are so engrossed in studying that they realize it's already midnight.

Bob: (yawning) I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

Charlie: (sarcastically) Gee, I wonder why. Maybe it's because we've been staring at textbooks for the last 6 hours.

Alice: (frantic) We can't stop now. We have to keep going.

Dan: (steadfast) Listen, why don't we take a quick break and recharge our energy, then we can get back to studying?

Episode 3: The Last Minute Cram

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

It's the night before the big exam and Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are cramming as much information into their brains as possible.

Alice: (in a panic) Oh no, there's so much I don't know!

Bob: (attempting to comfort) Relax, it's not worth getting too stressed out.

Charlie: (flippant) Yeah, because that's going to help.

Dan: (calm) Let's just focus on what we do know, and give it our best shot.

Episode 4: The Exam Day

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

It's exam day, and Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are all sitting nervously in the classroom.

Alice: (whispering) I can't believe I'm so nervous. I'm usually really good at taking tests.

Bob: (whispering back) Me too. I guess it's because this exam is so important.

Charlie: (to himself) Yeah, important enough to ruin our lives.

Dan: (whispering) Alright guys, we've got this. Just remember to breathe and take your time.

Episode 5: The Difficult Questions

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

The exam is well underway and Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are all struggling to answer some of the questions.

Alice: (to herself) What is this question even asking?

Bob: (to himself) I thought I understood this concept, but now I'm not so sure.

Charlie: (to himself) Is it just me, or are these questions getting harder and harder?

Dan: (to himself) Keep calm and focused, you can do this.

Episode 6: The Brain Break

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are all taking a quick break to clear their minds and stretch their legs.

Alice: (groaning) My brain hurts so much.

Bob: (nodding sympathetically) Yeah, I know what you mean.

Charlie: (jokingly) At least now we can say we've exercised our brains, right?

Dan: (smiling) Alright, let's get back to work and finish this exam strong.

Episode 7: The End is Near

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

With only a few minutes left on the clock, Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are feverishly finishing up their last answers.

Alice: (whispering to herself) Come on brain, please give me one more answer.

Bob: (tapping his pencil nervously) Time is running out, I don't know if I'll finish.

Charlie: (frustrated) Why did I even bother studying for this stupid exam?

Dan: (optimistically) Alright team, let's finish this up and knock it out of the park.

Episode 8: The Results

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

The exam results are in and Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan are gathered around to find out how they did.

Alice: (nervously) I don't even want to look.

Bob: (tensely) Just open the envelope, Alice.

Charlie: (jokingly) What's the worst that could happen, right?

Dan: (calmly) Remember, no matter what happens, we can learn from this experience and improve ourselves.

Episode 9: The Unexpected Twist

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

As it turns out, the entire class failed the exam, but the professor decides to curve everyone's grades anyway.

Alice: (shocked) What? We all failed?

Bob: (disappointed) How did that happen?

Charlie: (surprised) What are the odds of that?

Dan: (proudly) Well, at least we all struggled together.

Episode 10: The Humorous Ending

Characters: Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan

To celebrate the end of their big exam, Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dan decide to do something silly and fun.

Alice: (grinning mischievously) Hey, who wants to toilet paper the dean's office with me?

Bob: (laughing) Why not? We did just survive a tough exam.

Charlie: (skeptically) I don't know, guys. Isn't that a bit risky?

Dan: (chuckling) Come on, Charlie. We're young and wild. Let's live a little.

(Everyone high-fives and heads off with rolls of toilet paper in tow)

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561