Виталий Лобанов



Истории на английском. Пекарня

Episode 1: The Big Idea

The scene opens in a small bakery called ‘The Crusty Crumb’ run by four best friends – Alex, Ben, Caroline, and David. Alex enters the bakery with a grin on his face.

Alex: Guys, I have a brilliant idea!

Caroline: (excitedly) Tell us, Alex!

Alex: We should make a cake that is so delicious, people will come from far and wide just to taste it. And we’ll call it the ‘Crusty Cake’.

David: (skeptical) I don’t know, Alex. Is that such a great idea?

Ben: (supporting Alex) I think it’s genius! Let's do it!

Episode 2: The Recipe

The scene opens with the group around a table, trying to decide the ingredients for the ‘Crusty Cake’.

Alex: Okay, we’ve got flour, sugar, eggs, butter, but what else can we add to it to make it special?

Caroline: (excitedly) How about some chocolate chips?

David: (sarcastically) Because chocolate chips are such a rare ingredient.

Ben: (excitedly) Wait, I have an idea! Let's add bacon to the cake!

Everyone stares at Ben in shock.

Caroline: (starting to crack up) What? No way!

Alex: (laughing) Ben, that’s disgusting!

David: (shaking his head) That’s never going to work.

Episode 3: The Plan

The scene opens with the group standing in front of the bakery, watching customers walk by.

Alex: Alright guys, here’s the plan. We’ll bake the ‘Crusty Cake’ and get people to taste it. If they like it, we’ll tell them the secret ingredient is bacon!

Caroline: (doubtfully) I don’t know about this, guys.

David: (nodding his head) Yeah, this seems like a bad idea.

Ben: (enthusiastically) I think it’s a great idea, let's do it!

Episode 4: The Baking

The scene opens with the group in the bakery, baking the ‘Crusty Cake’.

Alex: (concentrating) Okay, we’ll add a pinch of salt and then put in the bacon.

Caroline: (smiling) This looks absolutely disgusting.

David: (rolling his eyes) Please, no one’s going to like this.

Ben: (laughing) Believe me, David. People are going to love this!

Episode 5: The Taste Test

The scene opens with the group standing behind a counter, holding a tray of ‘Crusty Cake’ slices.

Alex: Okay, we’re ready. Who wants to try our new cake?

David: (nervously) I’m not so sure about this.

Caroline and Ben both take a slice and take a bite.

Caroline: (surprised) This is actually really good!

Ben: (nodding his head) I think we’re onto something here!

Episode 6: The Reveal

The scene opens with the group standing on the street, holding up a sign that reads ‘Try the Crusty Cake – it’s amazing!’

David: (sarcastically) This is great, we’re all going to get fired.

Caroline: (laughing) Just relax, David. We’ll take the sign down soon.

People start to approach the table, trying the cake, and loving it.

Alex: (whispering) Okay, let's reveal the secret ingredient.

David: (whispering back) This is going to be a disaster.

Alex: (loudly) And the secret ingredient is….BACON!!

Everyone’s reactions are mixed – some people are fascinated, others are disgusted.

Episode 7: The Profit

The scene opens with the group inside the bakery, counting the money.

Ben: (excitedly) We made enough money to keep the bakery open for a whole year!

Caroline: (smiling) This is great, thanks to the ‘Crusty Cake’.

David: (smiling) Maybe having a bacon cake wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

Alex: (laughing) Who knew that bacon would save our business.

Episode 8: The Expansion

The scene opens with the group sitting around a table, discussing their next move.

David: Alright, now that we’ve made some serious profits, what’s next?

Caroline: (excitedly) How about we expand the bakery and open up a second location?

Ben: (eagerly) Yes! That’s exactly what we should do!

Alex: (jokingly) And we can call it ‘The Crusty Crumb – Part Deux’.

David: (smiling) Alright team, let’s make it happen!

Episode 9: The Grand Opening

The scene opens with the group standing in front of their second location.

Caroline: (nervously) Are we ready for this?

David: (determined) We’ve got this. Let's open the doors and give the people what they came for!

The scene cuts to the inside of the bakery, and a wide shot of the bustling store as people come in and out.

Episode 10: The Final Scene

The scene opens with the group standing outside the original ‘Crusty Crumb’ location, watching as customers walk in and out.

Alex: (smiling) Who knew that a bacon cake would end up being such a big hit?

Caroline: (smiling) It just goes to show that sometimes the best ideas come from the strangest places.

David: (smiling) And it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of luck on your side.

Ben: (laughing) The best things come from the most unexpected places!

The scene cuts to a wide shot of the four friends, each with a smile on their face, all laughing and joking around.

Caroline: (laughing) You know guys, we should’ve added some hot sauce to the bacon cake.

David: (laughing) Oh no, don’t start that again!

The four friends walk back into the bakery, ready to keep serving up their delicious creations, and always ready for the next big hit.

Fade to black.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561