Виталий Лобанов
Сегодня мы арендуем машину и рассказываем о том, что Вам нужно иметь для этого. А также про некоторые условия и ограничения.
В этом ролике мы нарочно допустили несколько ошибок в словах и фразах, которые мы использовали для описания. А найдете ли Вы, какие именно?
Morning everyone! If you live in Moscow, you can hire almost everything. For instance, you may hire a car. So today we are going to show you how to do this.
Long time no see! How are you doing guys? Today we are renting out this beauty. Now I’m going to show you how to do it easily.
To start with, you need a phone and this app on the phone.
So, using this app you can find on the map the car that suits you more. There are several categories in this app, so it can be a comfort class car, business class car or just a car for everyday goes.
So, using this app you just open the car, check the damages, if they are any, and then get started. So, let’s go!
In all, if you rent a car like this you have to be over eighteen years old aged. Secondly, to have valid driving license. And thirdly, to rent a car like this, you’ve got to have minimum five years driving experience.
So, we are enjoying driving this beauty and will tell you more about the options and conditions of renting out the car. So, the minimum price is about five to six rubbles per minute. And it counts each minute you are driving the car, but if you park the car and do not use it for a while you just pay a bit less – maybe two or three rubbles per minute. For the business class cars, the price is much more higher – maybe about twenty-twenty five rubbles per minute. So, for an hour you can spend one grand or even more. But the pluses for renting such a car are you don’t need to pay for petrol, you don’t need to pay for insurance, you don’t need to pay for any other things like maintenance and so on.
So, if you want to park this car you have to find the green zone, but if you do this in downtown, you can park it anywhere and you have to pay nothing for parking. So, that’s it! Bye-bye! See you soon!
Смотрите репортажи об интересных местах в Москве. Мы исследуем парки, торговые центры и другие места, арендуем машины, самокаты и многое другое.
Видеорепортажи на английском языке с субтитрами.
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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561