Виталий Лобанов



Самые популярные слова. Предлоги

1. About - He was talking about his new job.

2. Above - The sun is above the clouds.

3. Across - We walked across the park.

4. After - I will call you after dinner.

5. Against - The cat was sleeping against the wall.

6. Along - We walked along the beach.

7. Among - There are many books among the boxes.

8. Around - The children were running around the playground.

9. As - He worked as an engineer.

10. At - We met at the coffee shop.

11. Before - We arrived before the concert started.

12. Behind - The dog was hiding behind the couch.

13. Below - The fish swim below the surface of the water.

14. Beneath - The treasure was buried beneath the tree.

15. Beside - She sat beside her sister.

16. Between - The store is located between two restaurants.

17. Beyond - We could see the mountains beyond the horizon.

18. But - He wanted to come but he was busy.

19. By - The painting was made by a famous artist.

20. Despite - Despite the rain, we still had fun.

21. Down - The ball rolled down the hill.

22. During - She studied during the day and worked at night.

23. Except - Everyone likes pizza except for him.

24. For - I bought flowers for my girlfriend.

25. From - I received a letter from my friend.

26. In - They live in a small apartment.

27. Into - The cat jumped into the box.

28. Like - She looks like her mother.

29. Near - There is a park near my house.

30. Of - I have a cup of coffee.

31. Off - She turned the TV off.

32. On - He put the book on the table.

33. Over - The plane flew over the city.

34. Past - The car drove past us.

35. Regarding - I have a few questions regarding the project.

36. Round - The earth is round.

37. Since - I have been working here since 2010.

38. Through - We walked through the forest.

39. Throughout - We traveled throughout Europe.

40. To - I want to go to the beach.

41. Toward(s) - The dog was running towards us.

42. Under - The cat was hiding under the bed.

43. Until - They didn't leave until midnight.

44. Up - The bird flew up in the sky.

45. Upon - I stumbled upon an interesting article.

46. With - He went to the movies with his friends.

47. Within - The solution is within reach.

48. Without - He couldn't speak without coughing.

49. Worth - The ring is worth a lot of money.

50. Around - The bag was placed around his shoulder.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561