Виталий Лобанов



Фразы про продавца в супермаркете

1. Can I help you find something?
2. Would you like a basket or a cart?
3. Are you looking for anything specific?
4. Do you need assistance carrying any items?
5. Our sale items are located at the front of the store.
6. Would you like to sign up for our rewards program?
7. Our self-checkout machines are located near the entrance.
8. Can I interest you in our BOGO offer?
9. We have a special deal on produce today.
10. Our checkout lines usually move pretty quickly.
11. Don't forget to scan your loyalty card at checkout.
12. Is there anything else I can help you find?
13. Are you familiar with our store layout?
14. Our bread is freshly baked every morning.
15. Our deli meats are sliced on the premises.
16. Would you like to sample our cheese selection?
17. Our wine section is located in the back of the store.
18. Can I help you locate a certain brand of cereal?
19. Our frozen foods are located in aisle 7.
20. Don't forget to grab a carton of milk on your way out.
21. Do you need help bagging your groceries?
22. Our organic section is located in the produce department.
23. Would you like a rain check on our out-of-stock item?
24. Our meat counter has a daily special on chicken.
25. Can I help you find the restroom?
26. Our prepared meals are located near the entrance.
27. Our bakery section has fresh cakes and pastries.
28. Would you like a fresh-brewed coffee while you shop?
29. Our canned goods are located in aisle 4.
30. Can I help you locate our hot sauce selection?
31. Our seafood department has a daily catch special.
32. Would you like any help with your grocery list?
33. Our cleaning supplies are located in aisle 8.
34. Can I interest you in a bottle of our store-brand soda?
35. Our snack aisle has a wide selection of chips and pretzels.
36. Our pet food department has a sale on dog food.
37. Would you like to donate $1 to our local charity at checkout?
38. Our pharmacy department is located near the back of the store.
39. Can I help you find anything in our health and beauty section?
40. Our produce department has a large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.
41. Would you like a sample of our house-made guacamole?
42. Our cheese selection includes many artisanal varieties.
43. Can I help you find a certain kind of pasta?
44. Our bulk foods section has a variety of nuts and grains.
45. Our beer section has a wide selection of craft brews.
46. Would you like to try one of our freshly-made smoothies?
47. Our dairy department has a special on yogurt this week.
48. Can I help you find a certain kind of bread?
49. Our juice selection includes many organic and cold-pressed options.
50. Our candy aisle has a wide variety of sweets and chocolates.
51. Our baby food section includes many organic options.
52. Would you like to try our store-made salsa?
53. Our soda aisle includes many sugar-free options.
54. Can I help you locate a certain kind of nut butter?
55. Our tea section includes many herbal and specialty blends.
56. Our gluten-free section includes many options for those with dietary restrictions.
57. Our international foods section has a variety of ethnic foods.
58. Would you like to try one of our baked goods?
59. Our condiment section includes many vinegars and oils.
60. Our rice and pasta section includes many organic options.
61. Can I help you find a certain kind of cereal bar?
62. Our natural foods section includes many vegan options.
63. Our water section includes many flavored and sparkling options.
64. Would you like to try one of our freshly-baked bagels?
65. Our snack bar includes many protein bars and granola bars.
66. Our nut and seed section includes many bulk options.
67. Can I help you locate a certain kind of frozen meal?
68. Our iced tea section includes many pre-made options.
69. Our dried fruit section includes many organic options.
70. Would you like to try one of our salads from the deli?
71. Our canned soup section includes many low-sodium options.
72. Our energy drink section includes many natural options.
73. Can I help you find a certain kind of canned vegetable?
74. Our meat section includes many grass-fed and organic options.
75. Our cookie section includes many specialty cookies and confections.
76. Our cheese counter includes many imported varieties.
77. Would you like to try one of our freshly-baked pies?
78. Our spice section includes many bulk options.
79. Our deli selection includes many vegetarian and vegan options.
80. Can I help you locate a certain kind of energy bar?
81. Our cereal section includes many gluten-free options.
82. Our nut butter section includes many natural and organic options.
83. Would you like to try one of our freshly-baked muffins?
84. Our dried noodle section includes many ethnic options.
85. Our beer and wine selection includes many international varieties.
86. Can I help you find a certain kind of cracker?
87. Our coffee section includes many fair-trade and organic options.
88. Our ice cream section includes many dairy-free alternatives.
89. Would you like to try one of our hot sandwiches from the deli?
90. Our juice bar includes many fresh juices and smoothies.
91. Our baby care section includes many natural and organic options.
92. Can I help you locate a certain kind of frozen fruit?
93. Our candy counter includes many nostalgic favorites.
94. Our meat department includes many pre-marinated options.
95. Would you like to try one of our freshly-made salads?
96. Our seafood section includes many sustainably-sourced options.
97. Our grab-and-go section includes many healthy meal options.
98. Can I help you find a certain kind of frozen dessert?
99. Our take out section includes many prepared meals.
100. Would you like to try one of our freshly-baked pastries?

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

Товарный знак  LEWISFOREMANSCHOOL зарегистрирован №880545 в Государственном реестре товарных знаков и знаков обслуживания Российской Федерации

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561