Виталий Лобанов



Фразы про стюардессу

1. Welcome aboard!
2. Please fasten your seatbelt.
3. We will be taking off shortly.
4. Cabin crew, take your seats.
5. Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.
6. In the unlikely event of an emergency, please follow the instructions of the cabin crew.
7. Please refrain from smoking on board this aircraft as it is strictly prohibited.
8. We will be serving drinks shortly. Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
9. Thank you for choosing our airline. We hope you have a pleasant flight.
10. The cabin crew will be passing through the cabin shortly to collect any trash.
11. Please make sure your tray table is stowed and your seat back is in its upright position for takeoff.
12. We ask that you keep your electronic devices in airplane mode or turned off during takeoff and landing.
13. We will be passing out headphones for the in-flight entertainment. They may be returned at the end of the flight.
14. If you need assistance at any point during the flight, please don't hesitate to ask one of our cabin crew members.
15. We will be dimming the cabin lights for sleep shortly.
16. We will be landing in approximately 30 minutes. Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened.
17. Thank you for flying with us today. We appreciate your business.
18. We will be offering a hot meal shortly. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
19. We will be flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet today.
20. The weather at our destination is currently sunny and 75°.
21. We will be passing through the cabin with a duty-free cart shortly. Please let us know if you would like to purchase any items.
22. Please fill out your customs form, which will be distributed shortly.
23. We will be starting our descent shortly. Please ensure your seatbelts are fastened and your tray table is stowed.
24. The captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. We ask that you remain seated until the sign has been turned off.
25. We will be landing shortly. On behalf of the captain and the cabin crew, thank you for choosing our airline.
26. We will be passing through the cabin with hot towels shortly.
27. Thank you for choosing our airline. We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.
28. We will be cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet for the duration of the flight.
29. Would you like anything to drink before takeoff?
30. We will be serving breakfast shortly. Please inform us if you have any food allergies.
31. The captain has informed us that we might experience some turbulence. We ask that you keep your seatbelt fastened during this time.
32. Please ensure all of your carry-on items are stowed safely in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you.
33. We will be offering a complimentary glass of wine with dinner. Please let us know if you prefer red or white wine.
34. We will be landing in approximately 10 minutes. Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened.
35. We would like to offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
36. Please take a moment to review the safety card in your seat pocket.
37. We will be serving a light snack shortly. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
38. We ask that you use the lavatories located at the front or back of the cabin if possible to avoid congestion.
39. Please make sure your personal electronic devices are in airplane mode and stowed safely for takeoff.
40. We will be passing through the cabin with an immigration form shortly.
41. We will be departing the gate on time. Please ensure you are on board and ready for takeoff.
42. We will be landing shortly. Please ensure your seatbelts are fastened and your tray table is stowed.
43. We will be offering a selection of soft drinks, juices, and water throughout the flight.
44. We ask that you refrain from using the lavatories during takeoff and landing.
45. We will be offering a complimentary snack with your drink service. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
46. We will be landing shortly. On behalf of the captain and the entire crew, thank you for choosing our airline.
47. We will be offering a full bar service with select liquors and spirits.
48. We ask that you keep your seatbelts fastened while seated, even if the fasten seatbelt sign is not illuminated.
49. We will be flying through some turbulence. We ask that you remain seated and keep your seatbelt fastened until the sign has been turned off.
50. Please use the call button above your seat if you require any assistance from the cabin crew.
51. We will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened.
52. We will be offering a selection of teas and coffees after your meal. Please let us know how you take your coffee.
53. We would like to remind you to keep your personal items stowed and your aisle clear during the flight.
54. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. We assure you that we are doing everything we can to have you on your way as soon as possible.
55. We will be serving a hot breakfast shortly. Please inform us if you have any dietary restrictions.
56. We will be landing in a different time zone. Please adjust your watches accordingly.
57. We would like to remind you that smoking is not allowed at any time on the aircraft, including in the lavatories.
58. We will be offering a selection of magazines and newspapers for your reading pleasure.
59. We ask that you keep your conversations and noise levels low to respect the privacy and comfort of other passengers.
60. We will be flying over some beautiful landscapes. Please feel free to look out your window and enjoy the view.
61. We will be serving a complimentary glass of champagne to celebrate our departure.
62. We ask that you keep your seatbelt fastened during the entire duration of the flight, even when the fasten seatbelt sign is not illuminated.
63. We will be offering a selection of light bites and snacks throughout the flight.
64. We will be offering a full meal service shortly. Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
65. We will be landing soon. Please ensure all of your belongings are stowed safely in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.
66. We would like to remind you to bring all of your personal belongings with you when you leave the aircraft.
67. We will be offering a full bar service with a selection of spirits, beers, and wines.
68. We ask that you refrain from consuming your own alcoholic beverages on the aircraft.
69. We will be landing in approximately 15 minutes. Please ensure your seatbelt is fastened and your tray table stowed.
70. We will be serving a selection of snacks and light bites before landing. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
71. We would like to remind you that the use of any electronic devices with transmitting capabilities is strictly prohibited during the entire duration of the flight.
72. We will be flying over some areas of turbulence. We ask that you keep your seatbelt fastened when seated.
73. We will be landing at a different airport due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for the inconvenience.
74. We will be serving a hot meal shortly. Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
75. We would like to remind you that the lavatories are equipped with infant changing tables for your convenience.
76. We ask that you turn off all electronic devices during takeoff and landing, and put them in airplane mode during the flight.
77. We will be providing blankets and pillows for your comfort during the flight.
78. We will be serving breakfast shortly. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
79. We would like to remind you to keep your personal items stowed safely, and your seatbelt securely fastened when not using the lavatories or moving around the aircraft.
80. We will be landing in approximately 25 minutes. Please ensure your seatbelt is fastened and your tray table stowed.
81. We will be offering a selection of snacks and beverages throughout the flight.
82. We ask that you refrain from using any electronic smoking devices on the aircraft.
83. We will be flying through some minor turbulence. We assure you that it is normal and nothing to be worried about.
84. We will be landing soon. Please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened, tray table stowed, and your personal items are put away.
85. We would like to remind you to check your seat pockets and the overhead compartments for any personal belongings before disembarking.
86. We will be landing at our destination soon. On behalf of the entire crew, we thank you for choosing our airline.
87. We will be offering a selection of snacks and beverages for purchase from the duty-free cart.
88. We ask that you keep all electronic devices in airplane mode or turned off during takeoff and landing, and refrain from using cell phone communication during the flight.
89. We will be cruising at a comfortable altitude of 35,000 feet for the duration of the flight.
90. We will be offering a selection of hot and cold beverages throughout the flight.
91. We ask that you use the lavatories with consideration for other passengers, and please do not linger in the aisles.
92. We will be landing soon. Please ensure your seatbelt is fastened, your tray table stowed, and your seatback in an upright position.
93. We would like to remind you to keep all carry-on items completely under the seat in front of you, and avoid placing them in the aisle or overhead compartments.
94. We will be serving a selection of light refreshments shortly. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
95. We ask that you refrain from using electronic devices that emit sound or light during takeoff and landing, and to use headphones for music or movies.
96. We will be flying through some turbulence. The fasten seatbelt sign is illuminated, and we ask that you remain seated until further notice.
97. We will be landing in a different terminal. Please consult the electronic boards to locate your connecting flight.
98. We would like to remind you that meals for children and infants are available upon request.
99. We will be passing through the cabin with a donation envelope for our charity partner. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
100. We will be landing shortly. Please ensure your seatbelt is fastened, your tray table stowed, and your seatback in an upright position. Thank you for flying with us today.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561