Виталий Лобанов



Фразы собеседование: верстальщик

1. What programming languages do you know?
2. What is your experience in frontend development?
3. What is your approach to debugging and fixing errors?
4. How do you optimize webpage performance?
5. Do you have any experience with responsive design?
6. How do you implement accessibility features on your webpages?
7. What do you know about SEO optimization for webpages?
8. Do you have experience with CSS pre-processors like SASS or LESS?
9. What are your favorite front-end frameworks?
10. Have you ever worked with Bootstrap?
11. What is your experience with JavaScript/jQuery?
12. Can you tell us about a time when you had to solve a difficult front-end development problem?
13. How do you stay up-to-date with new front-end development trends and technologies?
14. Have you ever worked on an e-commerce project? If so, what were your responsibilities?
15. Can you tell us about a complex project you have worked on?
16. What do you think is the most important aspect of user interface design?
17. What is your favorite front-end development tool?
18. What is your experience with page layout and design?
19. Have you ever worked with a content management system like WordPress or Drupal?
20. Can you tell us about your experience with version control tools?
21. What do you think is the most important CSS property for cross-browser compatibility?
22. What is your experience with CSS animations and transitions?
23. Can you explain the CSS box model?
24. Have you ever worked with web fonts?
25. What is your experience with SVGs?
26. Can you tell us about a major project you’ve worked on that required collaboration between front-end and back-end developers?
27. Can you explain the difference between margin and padding in CSS?
28. What is your experience with CSS grid systems?
29. Have you ever worked with CSS frameworks outside of Bootstrap?
30. What is your experience with CSS media queries?
31. Can you explain the difference between a responsive and adaptive design?
32. Do you have experience with BEM or other CSS naming conventions?
33. Can you tell us about your experience with debugging tools like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools?
34. What is your experience with AJAX?
35. Can you tell us about your experience with web sockets?
36. What is your experience with SVG animations?
37. Can you explain what a closure in JavaScript is?
38. What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
39. Have you ever worked with a JavaScript framework like AngularJS or React?
40. Can you explain what the Document Object Model (DOM) is?
41. What is your experience with the jQuery library?
42. Have you ever worked with Node.js and npm?
43. What is your experience with the Babel transpiler?
44. Can you explain how you would use localStorage to store data on a client's browser?
45. What is your experience with third-party APIs like Google Maps or Facebook?
46. Have you ever worked with a code bundler like Webpack?
47. How would you optimize a website's loading speed?
48. Have you ever worked with server-side rendering?
49. What is your experience with the Express.js framework?
50. Can you explain how you would use Ajax to fetch data?
51. Can you explain how the Event Loop in JavaScript works?
52. What is your experience with unit testing?
53. Can you explain what a higher-order component is in React?
54. What is your experience with Redux?
55. Can you explain how React manages its component lifecycle?
56. What is your experience with JSX?
57. How would you fetch data from a RESTful API in React?
58. Can you explain the difference between React's state and props?
59. What is your experience with React Native?
60. How would you implement a CSS-in-JS solution in your project?
61. What is your experience with GraphQL?
62. Can you explain how you would use React Router to manage client-side routing?
63. What is your experience with the MobX library?
64. Can you explain what the Virtual DOM is in React?
65. What is your experience with React Hooks?
66. Can you explain what debouncing is?
67. How would you optimize a React app's rendering speed?
68. What is your experience with GraphQL schema design?
69. Can you explain how Redux middleware works?
70. What is your experience with GraphQL mutations?
71. What is the difference between the props spread operator and object rest/spread syntax in JavaScript?
72. Can you explain the differences between HTTP and HTTPS?
73. What is your experience with Jest?
74. What is your experience with Enzyme?
75. Can you explain what the render prop pattern is in React?
76. What is your experience with CSS modules?
77. Can you explain how the history object works in React Router?
78. What is your experience with Jest snapshot testing?
79. Can you explain how the new `useEffect` React hook works?
80. What is your experience with server-side rendering in React?
81. Can you explain how the `styled-components` library works?
82. What is your experience with Google's Lighthouse tool for optimizing web performance?
83. What is your experience with Cypress for end-to-end testing?
84. Can you explain how the `useReducer` React hook works?
85. What is your experience with Redux saga middleware?
86. Can you explain how the `useContext` React hook works?
87. What is your experience with the Nest.js framework?
88. Can you explain how server-side rendering differs from client-side rendering?
89. What is your experience with React Context API?
90. What is your experience with Gatsby.js?
91. Can you explain how the `useMemo` React hook works?
92. What is your experience with GraphQL subscriptions?
93. Can you explain how you would optimize a React app's memory usage?
94. What is your experience with the D3.js data visualization library?
95. What is your experience with Web Workers?
96. Can you explain how you would optimize a React app's bundle size?
97. What is your experience with the Styled System library?
98. What is your experience with React Server Components?
99. Can you explain how the `useLayoutEffect` React hook works?
100. What is your experience with the Next.js framework?

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561