Виталий Лобанов



Задания по грамматике английского языка: 
Отрицания в Present Perfect

Переделайте предложения в вопросы и утверждения.

1. I haven't eaten breakfast yet.
2. You haven't called me back.
3. She hasn't finished her work yet.
4. We haven't seen that movie yet.
5. They haven't arrived yet.
6. I haven't been to Paris.
7. You haven't studied for the exam.
8. She hasn't learned how to swim.
9. We haven't decided on a restaurant.
10. They haven't cleaned the house.
11. I haven't checked my email.
12. You haven't packed your suitcase.
13. She hasn't bought the tickets.
14. We haven't practiced the song.
15. They haven't fixed the car.
16. I haven't read that book.
17. You haven't finished your homework.
18. She hasn't found a new job.
19. We haven't visited Spain.
20. They haven't planned the party.
21. I haven't exercised this week.
22. You haven't replied to my message.
23. She hasn't cooked dinner yet.
24. We haven't watched the new series.
25. They haven't saved enough money.
26. I haven't written a letter in months.
27. You haven't visited your grandparents.
28. She hasn't organized her closet.
29. We haven't gone hiking this year.
30. They haven't booked the hotel yet.
31. I haven't seen that friend in ages.
32. You haven't finished the project.
33. She hasn't bought new shoes.
34. We haven't learned a new language.
35. They haven't prepared the presentation.
36. I haven't taken a vacation in a while.
37. You haven't tried that restaurant.
38. She hasn't found her passport.
39. We haven't talked on the phone recently.
40. They haven't updated their website.
41. I haven't watched the news today.
42. You haven't attended the meeting.
43. She hasn't visited her family in months.
44. We haven't played chess in a while.
45. They haven't finished the puzzle yet.
46. I haven't learned how to cook.
47. You haven't explored that city.
48. She hasn't bought a new dress.
49. We haven't gone to a concert this year.
50. They haven't fixed the leaky faucet.
51. I haven't written a poem in years.
52. You haven't painted your room.
53. She hasn't met her new neighbor.
54. We haven't baked cookies in months.
55. They haven't bought a new TV.
56. I haven't ridden my bike in weeks.
57. You haven't cleaned the fridge.
58. She hasn't tried sushi.
59. We haven't visited the museum lately.
60. They haven't planted the garden yet.
61. I haven't fed the cat.
62. You haven't watered the plants.
63. She hasn't gone shopping for clothes.
64. We haven't gone to the beach this summer.
65. They haven't sold their old car.
66. I haven't fixed my bike tire.
67. You haven't watched that movie.
68. She hasn't learned how to ski.
69. We haven't seen that show on Broadway.
70. They haven't donated to charity lately.
71. I haven't played the piano in months.
72. You haven't bought a new phone.
73. She hasn't gone to the dentist.
74. We haven't gone to the zoo this year.
75. They haven't repaired the roof.
76. I haven't written a blog post.
77. You haven't organized your files.
78. She hasn't tried bungee jumping.
79. We haven't gone fishing in years.
80. They haven't adopted a pet.
81. I haven't taken a photo in weeks.
82. You haven't finished the book.
83. She hasn't gone ice skating.
84. We haven't gone to the amusement park this summer.
85. They haven't installed the dishwasher.
86. I haven't learned how to play chess.
87. You haven't visited that historical site.
88. She hasn't bought a new purse.
89. We haven't visited the art museum this month.
90. They haven't cleaned the swimming pool.
91. I haven't walked the dog.
92. You haven't organized your closet.
93. She hasn't gone to the gym.
94. We haven't gone to a football game this season.
95. They haven't replaced the light bulbs.
96. I haven't visited my hometown in years.
97. You haven't finished the puzzle.
98. She hasn't read that book yet.
99. We haven't gone camping this year.
100. They haven't bought a new bed.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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Индивидуальный предприниматель Лобанов Виталий Викторович  ИНН 071513616507 ОГРН 318505300117561