Виталий Лобанов



Задания по грамматике английского языка: 
Отрицания в Future Simple Passive

Переведите предложения ниже на английский. Переделайте их в вопросы и утверждения.

1. The car won't be washed by John.
2. The cake won't be baked by me.
3. The room won't be cleaned by the maid.
4. The flowers won't be watered by the gardener.
5. The book won't be read by anyone.
6. The window won't be repaired by the handyman.
7. The letter won't be written by her.
8. The homework won't be done by the students.
9. The picture won't be painted by the artist.
10. The meal won't be cooked by the chef.
11. The package won't be delivered by the postman.
12. The movie won't be watched by the audience.
13. The song won't be sung by the singer.
14. The lesson won't be taught by the teacher.
15. The game won't be played by the team.
16. The report won't be submitted by the employee.
17. The email won't be sent by him.
18. The dress won't be sewn by the tailor.
19. The invention won't be patented by the scientist.
20. The project won't be completed by the contractor.
21. The decision won't be made by the committee.
22. The medicine won't be prescribed by the doctor.
23. The order won't be taken by the waiter.
24. The event won't be organized by the planner.
25. The mistake won't be repeated by the worker.
26. The furniture won't be moved by the movers.
27. The plan won't be implemented by the manager.
28. The interview won't be conducted by the employer.
29. The proposal won't be accepted by the board.
30. The ticket won't be booked by the traveler.
31. The problem won't be solved by the technician.
32. The mistake won't be corrected by the editor.
33. The idea won't be shared by the speaker.
34. The question won't be answered by the respondent.
35. The design won't be approved by the client.
36. The deal won't be negotiated by the salesperson.
37. The complaint won't be resolved by the customer service representative.
38. The job won't be offered by the employer.
39. The error won't be fixed by the programmer.
40. The issue won't be addressed by the politician.
41. The news won't be reported by the journalist.
42. The request won't be granted by the authority.
43. The responsibility won't be taken by the person in charge.
44. The service won't be provided by the provider.
45. The information won't be shared by the source.
46. The challenge won't be met by the competitor.
47. The deadline won't be met by the team.
48. The promise won't be fulfilled by the person who made it.
49. The promise won't be kept by the person who made it.
50. The commitment won't be honored by the party who made it.
51. The agreement won't be respected by the person who signed it.
52. The law won't be obeyed by the citizen.
53. The speed limit won't be followed by the driver.
54. The rules won't be enforced by the authority.
55. The principles won't be upheld by the individual.
56. The tradition won't be observed by the community.
57. The value won't be recognized by the society.
58. The culture won't be appreciated by the visitor.
59. The heritage won't be preserved by the generation.
60. The environment won't be protected by the government.
61. The safety won't be ensured by the organization.
62. The health won't be promoted by the institution.
63. The rights won't be respected by the oppressor.
64. The democracy won't be upheld by the authoritarian regime.
65. The equality won't be achieved by the discriminating policy.
66. The freedom won't be granted by the tyrant.
67. The justice won't be served by the corrupt system.
68. The peace won't be established by the warring parties.
69. The prosperity won't be shared by the marginalized groups.
70. The education won't be accessible to the disadvantaged.
71. The opportunity won't be provided to the excluded.
72. The assistance won't be given to the needy.
73. The support won't be offered to the vulnerable.
74. The aid won't be delivered to the disaster victims.
75. The solution won't be found for the complex problem.
76. The innovation won't be implemented for the outdated technology.
77. The change won't be embraced by the conservative.
78. The lesson won't be learned by the ignorant.
79. The improvement won't be made by the resistant.
80. The progress won't be achieved by the complacent.
81. The result won't be obtained by the unprepared.
82. The goal won't be reached by the distracted.
83. The dream won't be realized by the pessimist.
84. The success won't be attained by the quitter.
85. The achievement won't be earned by the lazy.
86. The privilege won't be enjoyed by the entitled.
87. The benefit won't be gained by the exploitative.
88. The advantage won't be taken by the dishonest.
89. The accolade won't be received by the unworthy.
90. The fame won't be earned by the infamous.
91. The honor won't be bestowed by the unrespectable.
92. The recognition won't be given to the unrecognized.
93. The glory won't be attained by the inglorious.
94. The respect won't be earned by the disrespectful.
95. The trust won't be gained by the untrustworthy.
96. The love won't be felt by the unlovable.
97. The appreciation won't be shown to the unappreciative.
98. The gratitude won't be expressed by the ungrateful.
99. The apology won't be given by the unapologetic.
100. The forgiveness won't be granted by the unforgiving.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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