Виталий Лобанов



Задания по грамматике английского языка: 
Утверждения в Future Simple Passive

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Переделайте их в отрицания и вопросы.

1. The cake will be baked by me.
2. Our new house will be constructed by a professional builder.
3. The letter will be written by him tomorrow.
4. The window will be fixed by the maintenance team next week.
5. The party decorations will be designed by a professional decorator.
6. The car will be washed by the car wash service.
7. The report will be submitted by the deadline.
8. The dog will be trained by a professional dog trainer.
9. The phone will be repaired by the technician.
10. The flowers will be delivered by the florist on Monday.
11. The furniture will be assembled by the furniture company.
12. The book will be published by a major publishing company.
13. The concert will be attended by thousands of fans.
14. The dinner will be cooked by the chef.
15. The pictures will be taken by the photographer.
16. The movie will be watched by millions of people worldwide.
17. The room will be cleaned by the hotel staff.
18. The race will be won by the fastest runner.
19. The medication will be prescribed by the doctor.
20. The project will be completed by the team by the end of the week.
21. The package will be delivered by the postman tomorrow.
22. The speech will be given by the politician at the convention.
23. The message will be sent by email to all employees.
24. The award will be presented by the host at the ceremony.
25. The proposal will be accepted by the board of directors.
26. The game will be played by the football team on Sunday.
27. The plan will be executed by the project manager.
28. The question will be answered by the expert.
29. The interview will be conducted by the journalist.
30. The mistake will be rectified by the team.
31. The show will be aired on television at 8 pm.
32. The task will be completed by the assigned worker.
33. The lease will be signed by the new tenant.
34. The exam will be taken by the students next week.
35. The decision will be made by the committee.
36. The news will be broadcasted by the anchor on the evening news.
37. The goal will be achieved by the team with hard work.
38. The software will be installed by the IT department.
39. The agreement will be signed by both parties.
40. The permit will be granted by the government.
41. The sale will be announced by the company in the next few days.
42. The treatment will be administered by the doctor.
43. The meeting will be attended by all department heads.
44. The debate will be moderated by the host.
45. The offer will be accepted by the client.
46. The position will be filled by the best candidate.
47. The order will be processed by the sales team.
48. The solution will be found by the experts.
49. The program will be broadcasted on the radio next week.
50. The contract will be signed by both parties in the presence of a lawyer.
51. The season will be won by the team with the most points.
52. The course will be taught by the professor.
53. The problem will be solved by the engineer.
54. The tournament will be played by the best teams in the league.
55. The device will be repaired by the technician.
56. The question will be answered by the customer service representative.
57. The appointment will be rescheduled by the receptionist.
58. The lesson will be taught by the teacher.
59. The report will be reviewed by the supervisor.
60. The document will be signed by the authorized personnel.
61. The quotation will be sent by the salesperson.
62. The message will be left on the answering machine by the caller.
63. The class will be attended by the students on time.
64. The meeting will be scheduled by the planner.
65. The issue will be resolved by the team.
66. The order will be shipped by the supplier.
67. The book will be sold on Amazon and other online retailers.
68. The event will be organized by the event planner.
69. The deal will be closed by the sales representative.
70. The appointment will be confirmed by the office staff.
71. The claim will be processed by the insurance company.
72. The keys will be returned to the landlord.
73. The election will be conducted by the electoral commission.
74. The request will be fulfilled by the service provider.
75. The form will be filled out by the applicant.
76. The bill will be paid by the customer.
77. The message will be left on the voicemail by the caller.
78. The reservation will be made by the customer.
79. The loan will be approved by the bank.
80. The invoice will be generated by the billing system.
81. The package will be tracked by the shipping company.
82. The bonus will be awarded to the employee.
83. The decision will be announced by the management.
84. The email will be sent by the sender.
85. The new product will be launched by the company.
86. The contract will be negotiated by the lawyers.
87. The system will be updated by the IT team.
88. The schedule will be adjusted by the manager.
89. The price will be reduced by the company.
90. The issue will be escalated to the higher authorities.
91. The policy will be reviewed by the board.
92. The audit will be conducted by the auditors.
93. The budget will be approved by the finance team.
94. The report will be shared with the stakeholders.
95. The deadline will be extended by the team lead.
96. The request will be processed by the customer support team.
97. The deadline will be met by the project team.
98. The requirement will be fulfilled by the supplier.
99. The procedure will be followed by the staff.
100. The product will be manufactured by the production team.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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