Виталий Лобанов



Задания по грамматике английского языка: 
Отрицания в Future Continuous

Переведите предложения ниже на русский. Переделайте их в вопросы и утверждения.

1. I will not be playing video games tomorrow at this time.
2. They won’t be listening to music during the party.
3. She won’t be driving to work at 8 AM.
4. The children won’t be studying when you come back.
5. I won’t be cooking dinner tonight.
6. He won’t be watching TV at midnight.
7. They won’t be working on the project all night.
8. She won’t be playing basketball after school.
9. We won’t be camping next weekend.
10. He won’t be sleeping in late tomorrow.
11. They won’t be traveling abroad for the holidays.
12. I won’t be visiting my grandparents on Sunday.
13. The students won’t be taking exams next week.
14. He won’t be talking on the phone during the meeting.
15. They won’t be eating fast food for lunch.
16. She won’t be exercising every day next month.
17. We won’t be visiting the museum tomorrow.
18. He won’t be studying for the test on Friday.
19. They won’t be watching the game tonight.
20. I won’t be taking swimming lessons this summer.
21. She won’t be attending the conference next month.
22. They won’t be playing soccer in the rain.
23. He won’t be driving to the beach next weekend.
24. We won’t be flying to Europe next year.
25. They won’t be painting the house next week.
26. She won’t be going to the gym every morning.
27. He won’t be learning a new language this year.
28. They won’t be having a BBQ party this weekend.
29. I won’t be running a marathon next month.
30. She won’t be watching a movie tonight.
31. They won’t be shopping at the mall tomorrow.
32. He won’t be attending the concert next week.
33. We won’t be cleaning the house tonight.
34. They won’t be playing video games all day.
35. She won’t be working late tonight.
36. He won’t be going to the club this weekend.
37. They won’t be visiting their relatives for Christmas.
38. I won’t be reading a book tomorrow.
39. She won’t be practicing her piano playing tonight.
40. They won’t be having a picnic in the park next week.
41. He won’t be running a marathon next year.
42. We won’t be watching TV in the evening.
43. They won’t be attending the wedding ceremony next month.
44. She won’t be learning how to swim next summer.
45. He won’t be playing golf on Friday.
46. They won’t be hiking in the mountains tomorrow.
47. I won’t be eating sushi tonight.
48. She won’t be going to the party tonight.
49. They won’t be watching the sunset on the beach next week.
50. He won’t be attending the seminar next week.
51. We won’t be having dinner at the restaurant tonight.
52. They won’t be taking a road trip next month.
53. She won’t be practicing yoga in the morning.
54. He won’t be coaching the basketball team next season.
55. They won’t be having a barbecue in the backyard this weekend.
56. I won’t be playing chess tonight.
57. She won’t be going to the art museum tomorrow.
58. They won’t be traveling to Europe this year.
59. He won’t be watching a movie next Friday.
60. We won’t be going to the amusement park this weekend.
61. They won’t be attending the conference next year.
62. She won’t be practicing her violin playing tonight.
63. He won’t be dancing at the club tonight.
64. They won’t be visiting the zoo next week.
65. I won’t be playing basketball with my friends next weekend.
66. She won’t be skiing in the mountains this winter.
67. They won’t be going to the gym together tomorrow.
68. He won’t be playing tennis on Sunday.
69. We won’t be attending the Broadway show next week.
70. They won’t be volunteering at the animal shelter this weekend.
71. She won’t be playing frisbee in the park tomorrow.
72. He won’t be practicing yoga every morning.
73. They won’t be playing cards tonight.
74. I won’t be playing the guitar tomorrow.
75. She won’t be going to the beach this summer.
76. They won’t be going camping in the woods next week.
77. He won’t be playing hockey in the winter.
78. We won’t be having a pool party this weekend.
79. They won’t be taking a cooking class next month.
80. She won’t be having a book club meeting tomorrow.
81. He won’t be attending the football game next Saturday.
82. They won’t be taking a pottery class next year.
83. I won’t be having a picnic in the park next week.
84. She won’t be attending the charity event next month.
85. They won’t be going to the amusement park next year.
86. He won’t be going to the gym tonight.
87. We won’t be having a karaoke night this weekend.
88. They won’t be running in the marathon next year.
89. She won’t be attending the concert next month.
90. He won’t be taking a language class next semester.
91. They won’t be having a housewarming party next week.
92. I won’t be playing volleyball with my friends tomorrow.
93. She won’t be going to the library tonight.
94. They won’t be going to the movie theater next week.
95. He won’t be going to the beach this weekend.
96. We won’t be having a dinner party tomorrow.
97. They won’t be having a backyard BBQ next weekend.
98. She won’t be taking a dance class this year.
99. He won’t be going to the bar tonight.
100. They won’t be visiting the art gallery next week.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2025. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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