Виталий Лобанов



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A: Hi, do you know where the cafeteria is located?
B: Sure, it's on the first floor of the building next door. You can take the stairs or the elevator.
A: Thanks. Do they have a good variety of food?
B: Yes, they offer a wide range of options, from sandwiches and salads to hot meals and desserts.
A: Sounds good. Do you know how much it costs to eat there?
B: It's quite affordable. You can get a full meal for around $5 to $8.
A: That's not bad. Is it self-service or do they have waiters?
B: It's self-service. You grab a tray and walk along the food counter to pick what you want.
A: I see. Is there seating available?
B: Yes, there is plenty of seating both inside and outside the cafeteria.
A: Great. Are there any vegetarian or vegan options?
B: Yes, they do have vegetarian and vegan options available. You can ask one of the staff members for help if you can't find any.
A: Perfect. Thanks for your help.
B: No problem. Enjoy your meal!

A: Hi, do you know where the dining hall is located?
B: Yeah, it's on the second floor of the student center. Do you need directions?
A: No, I got that. I was wondering what kind of food they serve.
B: They have a lot of options. There's a salad bar, a grill station, and a pasta station, among others.
A: That sounds good. How much does it cost to eat there?
B: It's included in our meal plan, but if you're paying cash, it's around $8 for breakfast and $12 for lunch or dinner.
A: Okay, thanks. Do they have any vegan options?
B: Yeah, they have a vegan station that changes every day. They also have vegetarian options at every station.
A: Cool. Is it usually crowded in there?
B: Yeah, it can get pretty crowded during peak hours. I usually try to go during off-peak times to avoid the crowds.
A: Alright, good tip. Is there anything else I should know?
B: They have a to-go station if you're in a hurry, and they always have fresh fruit and desserts available.
A: Perfect. Thanks for your help.
B: No problem. Enjoy your meal!

A: Hey, do you know where the dining hall is located?
B: Yes, it's right across from the library. You can't miss it.
A: Thanks. I'm new here so I'm not really sure how it works. Do I need a meal plan?
B: Yeah, if you're living on campus you'll need a meal plan. They have a few different options to choose from, depending on how many meals you want per week.
A: Okay, that makes sense. What kind of food do they have?
B: They have a pretty diverse selection. There's a salad bar, a pizza station, a stir-fry station, a grill station, and more.
A: Sounds like there's a lot to choose from. How much does it cost?
B: It depends on what kind of meal plan you have, but it's usually somewhere between $7 and $12 per meal.
A: Got it. Are there any vegan or vegetarian options?
B: Yeah, for sure. They have a vegan and vegetarian station that changes daily, and there are always vegetarian options available throughout the dining hall.
A: Cool. Is it usually crowded in here?
B: It can get pretty busy during peak hours, like breakfast and dinner time. But there's usually enough seating for everyone.
A: Okay, thanks for the heads up. Is there anything else I should know?
B: They also have a dessert section, a coffee station, and a bunch of snack options.
A: Sounds good. Thanks for your help!
B: No problem, enjoy your meal!

A: Hi, do you know if the cafeteria is still open?
B: Yeah, it should be open for a little while longer. What are you in the mood for?
A: Honestly, I'm not really sure. I just need something filling. What do you recommend?
B: I usually go for the stir-fry station. You can choose your own veggies and protein and they cook it up for you fresh.
A: Oh, that sounds good. I'll definitely check it out. Is it usually crowded in there?
B: It can get pretty busy around lunch and dinner time, but it's usually not too bad if you go earlier or later.
A: Good to know. How does the meal plan work?
B: So if you're living on campus, you'll need a meal plan. You choose how many meals per week you want and it gets loaded onto your student ID card. Then you just swipe your card in the dining hall and it deducts the meal from your plan.
A: Got it. Are there any vegetarian or vegan options?
B: Yeah, they have a whole section of the dining hall dedicated to vegan and vegetarian options. They change it up daily so there's always something new to try.
A: That's awesome. Thanks for the advice. Anything else I should know?
B: They have a bunch of different stations, like pizza, deli, and grill, so you're sure to find something you like.
A: Sounds great. Thanks for your help!
B: No problem, enjoy your meal!

A: Hi, do you want to grab some lunch at the dining hall?
B: Sure, that sounds good. What are you in the mood for?
A: I heard they have some good mac and cheese today. I think I'll try that.
B: That sounds delicious. I think I'm going to go to the salad bar.
A: Healthy choice. Do you know if they have any specials today?
B: I'm not sure, but we can check the menu board when we get there.
A: Alright, let's do it. Do you have a meal plan?
B: Yeah, I do. I get 10 meals per week and I usually use them up pretty quickly.
A: I haven't gotten a meal plan yet. Do you think I should?
B: It's definitely worth it if you're going to be eating at the dining hall frequently. It saves money in the long run.
A: That makes sense. How much is it per meal?
B: It depends on the type of meal plan you choose. The more meals you get, the cheaper it is per meal. But it usually ranges from $8 to $12.
A: Alright, I'll think about it. Thanks for the info. Oh, looks like they have chicken alfredo as a special today!
B: Oh wow, I might have to switch up my salad plan. That sounds amazing.
A: Haha, it does. Let's go check it out.

Employee 1: Hey, have you heard about the new canteen in the office? They say it's out of this world!
Employee 2: Really? That's hard to believe. I mean, how can a canteen be that amazing?
Employee 1: Well, they have a chef who can turn a simple sandwich into a work of art. I once saw him sculpting a tomato into the shape of Mona Lisa's smile.
Employee 2: No way! That's some serious food artistry right there. I can't wait to see what he can do with a banana.
Employee 1: Oh, you won't believe it. He can peel a banana in such a way that it looks like a miniature banana tuxedo. It's both classy and a-peeling!
Employee 2: That's absolutely bananas! I've never seen such creativity in a canteen before. What else do they have?
Employee 1: They've got a vending machine that dispenses not only snacks but also motivational quotes. Imagine getting a bag of chips with a side of inspiration. It's like snacking on positivity!
Employee 2: That's genius! Finally, a way to fulfill my cravings while also boosting my self-esteem. I hope they don't run out of the "You can do it!" chocolate bars.
Employee 1: Don't worry, they restock it regularly. But wait, there's more! They have a dessert corner with an endless supply of ice cream flavors.
Employee 2: Endless ice cream? That's a dream come true! I could spend my entire lunch break just sampling all the flavors. Forget about productivity; I'm going on an ice cream adventure!
Employee 1: I totally understand. It's a tough decision to make when faced with choices like "Caramel Dream" or "Minty Madness." But hey, life's too short for boring lunches, right?
Employee 2: Absolutely! With a canteen like that, who needs vacations? I'm going to make a reservation for a table in the dessert corner. It's the ultimate culinary destination!
Employee 1: Cheers to that! Let's embark on this gastronomic journey together. And remember, calories don't count in the magical realm of the canteen.

Employee 1: Hey, have you tried the food at the new canteen?
Employee 2: Yeah, it's like a culinary roller coaster ride. One day, you're on the peak of deliciousness, and the next, you're plummeting into the depths of disappointment.
Employee 1: Haha, I know what you mean! Sometimes the food looks so mysterious, I'm not even sure if it's edible.
Employee 2: I once had a piece of chicken that had more bones than actual meat. It was like playing a game of "find the chicken" in a haystack.
Employee 1: And don't even get me started on the salad bar. They call it a salad bar, but it's more like a museum exhibit of sad-looking lettuce.
Employee 2: Oh, I totally agree! I once witnessed a tomato sitting there for so long that it started growing its own moss. It was becoming one with nature, I suppose.
Employee 1: Well, at least they're consistent with their coffee. It's always lukewarm, no matter what time of the day.
Employee 2: Lukewarm coffee, the perfect beverage for those who want to experience the taste of disappointment without burning their tongues.
Employee 1: You know, we should start a reality TV show called "Surviving the Canteen," where contestants have to eat the canteen food and rate their level of regret.
Employee 2: Brilliant idea! We can have contestants compete in challenges like "Guess the Mystery Meat" and "Find a Fresh Vegetable." It'll be the most stomach-churning show ever.
Employee 1: And the winner gets a lifetime supply of antacids and a golden toilet seat, so they can comfortably reflect on their canteen dining experiences.
Employee 2: Haha, sign me up! I'm ready to be a judge and provide witty commentary while we all suffer through questionable food choices.
Employee 1: Well, until our TV show becomes a hit, I guess we'll just have to pack our lunches and bring our own comedy to the canteen.
Employee 2: Absolutely! Let's bring the laughter and good food to our own tables. Bon appétit, my friend, and may your lunch always be tastier than the canteen's offerings!

Student 1: Dude, have you seen the new cafeteria menu?
Student 2: Yeah, it's like they're trying to turn us into fearless food adventurers. One day, we're scaling the heights of culinary delight, and the next, we're plunging into the abyss of questionable choices.
Student 1: Haha, you nailed it! I'm pretty sure they're secretly experimenting with taste combinations that defy the laws of nature.
Student 2: Remember that time they served "Mystery Meat Surprise"? I swear, it was like playing a game of "Guess the Animal" in every bite.
Student 1: Oh yeah, and who could forget the "Pasta with Mystery Sauce" that had us contemplating the meaning of life with each forkful?
Student 2: And let's not even mention the salad bar. It's like a science experiment gone wrong, with wilted lettuce and a tomato that's more rubber than fruit.
Student 1: I once witnessed a carrot so shriveled that I mistook it for a raisin. It was a true optical illusion in vegetable form.
Student 2: Well, at least we can count on the cafeteria for one thing—consistently lukewarm soup. It's their signature dish, served at the perfect temperature for mediocrity.
Student 1: Lukewarm soup, the ideal remedy for those who want to experience the sensation of consuming liquid disappointment without scalding their taste buds.
Student 2: You know, we should start a YouTube channel called "Cafeteria Chronicles" where we review the cafeteria's daily creations. We could call it "Culinary Roulette."
Student 1: Haha, that's genius! We can have segments like "Mystery Meat Mondays" and "Wacky Wednesdays" where we try the most bizarre concoctions they come up with.
Student 2: And the grand finale could be "Fear Factor Fridays," where we test our limits with the most daring dishes and see who can stomach it the longest.
Student 1: I can already picture it—us with exaggerated facial expressions, gasping for air, while the viewers cringe and laugh at our misery.
Student 2: Well, until our YouTube stardom, let's bring our own lunches and be the envy of the cafeteria. We'll dine like royalty while the others wonder how we managed to escape the cafeteria madness.
Student 1: Absolutely! Our homemade meals and our own brand of humor will reign supreme. Here's to deliciousness and laughter amidst the chaos of the cafeteria!
Student 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds and our sense of humor never be compromised by the cafeteria's culinary experiments.

Student 1: Did you check out the new cafeteria?
Student 2: Oh, you mean the place where culinary dreams go to die?
Student 1: Haha, exactly! It's like a never-ending cycle of mystery meat and soggy vegetables.
Student 2: I once found a piece of pizza that looked like it had been through a food fight. It had more toppings on the floor than on the actual slice.
Student 1: Well, at least they have a salad bar. Although, I'm not sure if it's a salad bar or a salad graveyard. The lettuce looks so sad and wilted.
Student 2: And don't forget the "Soup of the Day" - it's more like a soup of indefinite age. I'm convinced it's been simmering since the Stone Age.
Student 1: Haha, I wouldn't be surprised! And have you noticed how they manage to make every dessert taste like disappointment?
Student 2: It's an art form, really. I once bit into a cookie that was so hard, I thought it could break a window. I had to visit the dentist after that.
Student 1: Well, if the food doesn't kill us, the cafeteria prices definitely will. It's like they charge us for the privilege of playing "Russian Roulette" with our taste buds.
Student 2: True, it's a high-stakes game of "Will I regret this meal?" every time we swipe our student cards.
Student 1: Hey, maybe we should start a cafeteria critique blog. We can call it "Gastronomic Adventures: Surviving the Cafeteria Catastrophes."
Student 2: Brilliant! We'll be food critics by day and comedians by night, exposing the truth behind the cafeteria façade.
Student 1: Our readers will be entertained and warned. Plus, we'll finally get some answers about what exactly goes into those "mystery dishes."
Student 2: And maybe, just maybe, our critiques will inspire some positive changes in the cafeteria. A student can dream, right?
Student 1: Absolutely! Until then, let's bring our own lunches and continue our quest for edible meals and hilarious cafeteria anecdotes.
Student 2: Deal! Here's to surviving the cafeteria adventures and mastering the art of the lunchtime laugh. Bon appétit, my friend!

Student 1: Have you ever noticed that the cafeteria food is like a game of culinary roulette?
Student 2: Oh, definitely! You never know what surprise awaits you on your tray. It's like a magical journey into the unknown, but with mashed potatoes.
Student 1: And the mysterious mystery meat? It's like a guessing game. Is it beef? Is it chicken? Who knows? It's a secret the cafeteria guards with their lives.
Student 2: It's like they have a secret recipe for turning every meat into a mystery. It's the Hogwarts of cafeteria cooking!
Student 1: And let's not forget the infamous "mystery sauce." I don't think anyone has figured out its ingredients yet. It's the cafeteria's best-kept secret.
Student 2: I've heard rumors that it's a blend of ketchup, mayo, and a touch of questionable chemistry. It's the elixir of cafeteria cuisine!
Student 1: Haha, the cafeteria should offer a prize for anyone who can correctly identify the mystery sauce. It could be the key to eternal glory.
Student 2: Absolutely! The champion will be hailed as the bravest taste bud explorer, with a golden ladle as their trophy.
Student 1: And what about the "healthy" options they claim to offer? It's like they took a salad, waved a slice of cucumber over it, and called it a day.
Student 2: It's the illusion of healthiness. They sprinkle some lettuce on a plate, and suddenly, they think they've met their nutritional quota.
Student 1: Well, at least the cafeteria has provided us with countless bonding moments. Nothing brings people together like shared confusion and hilarious food experiences.
Student 2: That's true! We may not always enjoy the food, but we can always enjoy each other's company and make memories in the land of questionable cafeteria cuisine.
Student 1: Cheers to that! And may our taste buds survive this adventure until graduation day when we bid farewell to the cafeteria forever.
Student 2: Here's to surviving the culinary roller coaster ride and creating cafeteria legends! May we always find humor in the midst of questionable food choices.

Employee 1: Hey, have you noticed that our canteen is like a food court of unexpected surprises?
Employee 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like a daily adventure for our taste buds. You never know what bizarre concoction will be served next.
Employee 1: I swear, sometimes it feels like the chef is secretly experimenting with strange food combinations just to see our reactions.
Employee 2: I wouldn't be surprised if they have a secret laboratory hidden somewhere, conducting food experiments that defy all culinary logic.
Employee 1: Remember that time they served "mystery meatloaf"? We spent hours debating what species it belonged to.
Employee 2: It was like a game of culinary Clue. "Is it chicken? Is it beef? Or is it an alien from a distant planet?"
Employee 1: And don't even get me started on the "special of the day." It's like a game of chance. Will it be a culinary masterpiece or a disastrous creation?
Employee 2: I've had some memorable moments with those specials. From lasagna that resembled a cheesy landslide to a stir-fry that could double as a science experiment.
Employee 1: And let's not forget the battle for the last piece of decent pizza. It's like a Hunger Games showdown right there in the canteen.
Employee 2: May the odds be ever in your favor when it comes to scoring that last slice of edible pizza. It's a true test of survival skills.
Employee 1: You know, we should start a Yelp-like review page just for our canteen. We can call it "Canteen Catastrophes" and provide hilarious descriptions of the culinary disasters we encounter.
Employee 2: That's genius! We can rate dishes on a "scale of surprise," from "mundane" to "mind-boggling." It will be the ultimate guide to surviving the canteen madness.
Employee 1: We'll be the heroes of hungry employees everywhere, providing comedic relief and warning signs for the unsuspecting lunch-goers.
Employee 2: The canteen may have its quirks, but at least it brings us together with shared laughter and the realization that we're all in this food adventure together.
Employee 1: Cheers to that! Here's to embracing the unexpected and finding humor in the midst of canteen chaos. Bon appétit, my friend!

Employee 1: Hey, have you ever noticed how the canteen seems to have its own set of rules and mysteries?
Employee 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like stepping into a parallel universe where logic and taste buds are optional.
Employee 1: I mean, why do they always serve the most popular dish on the one day you're not there? It's like they're playing a cruel game of hide and seek with our cravings.
Employee 2: And then, when they do serve your favorite dish, it's in such small portions that you need a microscope to find it on your plate.
Employee 1: It's like they believe in the philosophy of "less is more," but when it comes to food, "more is more" should be the motto.
Employee 2: And let's not forget the mysterious disappearing cutlery. One minute, you have a fork, and the next, it's vanished into thin air. It's a real-life magic show.
Employee 1: Ah, the disappearing cutlery trick. It's like a secret initiation test for new employees. Can you eat pasta with your hands? Good luck!
Employee 2: And don't even get me started on the seating situation. Finding an empty seat in the canteen is like trying to find a unicorn in a crowded forest.
Employee 1: Absolutely! It's like a game of musical chairs, but without the music or the chairs. It's survival of the fittest lunch-goer.
Employee 2: And don't you love how the canteen staff seem to possess the power of teleportation? You wait in line forever, and suddenly, they vanish into thin air.
Employee 1: It's like they have secret underground tunnels that lead to a magical realm where food is prepared instantly. We're just mere mortals caught in their culinary time warp.
Employee 2: Well, despite all the mysteries and quirks, the canteen does provide us with a never-ending source of lunchtime entertainment and conversation.
Employee 1: That's true! It's where we bond over our shared confusion and exchange tips on surviving the canteen's peculiarities.
Employee 2: And who knows, maybe one day we'll uncover the secret behind the canteen's enchantments. Until then, let's embrace the chaos and enjoy our lunchtime adventures.
Employee 1: Cheers to that! Here's to navigating the labyrinth of the canteen and finding joy amidst the culinary puzzles. Bon appétit, my friend!

Friend 1: Hey, I finally managed to grab a seat in this chaotic canteen. It's like finding a hidden treasure.
Friend 2: Tell me about it! It's like a battlefield out there, but we conquered it. Now, let's enjoy our hard-earned lunchtime victory.
Friend 1: Definitely! So, what did you choose from the menu today? Any risky selections?
Friend 2: Oh, you know me, I like to live on the culinary edge. I went for the mysterious "Chef's Surprise" dish. Who knows what adventure awaits my taste buds?
Friend 1: Brave choice! I hope it surprises you in a good way, not with a hidden ingredient that you'll be discovering for days.
Friend 2: Well, as they say, life is all about taking risks, even in the canteen. Besides, it makes for interesting stories later.
Friend 1: That's true! We've had our fair share of canteen tales. Remember that time when the mashed potatoes bounced off the plate like rubber balls?
Friend 2: Haha, yes! I think they were trying to revolutionize the concept of food and sports at the same time. The mashed potato basketball league!
Friend 1: And what about the infamous cafeteria coffee? It's like a caffeinated mystery potion that can either fuel your day or put you into a deep sleep.
Friend 2: Ah, the eternal dilemma. To risk the coffee and stay awake, or skip it and risk falling asleep in a meeting. It's a tough decision every day.
Friend 1: Well, at least we have each other to survive the canteen adventures. Lunchtime wouldn't be the same without our hilarious conversations and food critiques.
Friend 2: Absolutely! It's the silver lining in the sea of questionable food choices. We make the best of it and turn the canteen chaos into our comedy club.
Friend 1: Cheers to that! Here's to enduring the canteen roller coaster ride together, with laughter as our secret weapon. Bon appétit, my friend!
Friend 2: Bon appétit! May our taste buds survive, and may our friendship thrive amidst the canteen shenanigans. Let the lunchtime fun begin!

Friend 1: Hey, what did you get from the canteen today?
Friend 2: Well, brace yourself for the ultimate gastronomic adventure. I got the special of the day: mystery casserole.
Friend 1: Mystery casserole? That sounds like a risky move. Are you prepared for the unknown?
Friend 2: Oh, I'm a thrill-seeker when it comes to canteen cuisine. Who knows, maybe I'll discover a hidden gem or unlock the secret to eternal digestion.
Friend 1: Well, I admire your courage. Meanwhile, I played it safe and went for the classic sandwich option. It's like the reliable friend who never disappoints.
Friend 2: Ah, the loyal sandwich, a beacon of predictability in a sea of culinary chaos. It's like a comforting hug in edible form.
Friend 1: Speaking of chaos, have you noticed how the canteen seems to have its own set of rules? Like, why are the lines always longer when you're in a hurry?
Friend 2: It's a scientific phenomenon, my friend. The Law of Lunchtime states that the length of the line is directly proportional to the urgency of your schedule.
Friend 1: And let's not forget the battle for the last piece of dessert. It's like a fierce gladiatorial contest. May the fork be ever in your favor!
Friend 2: Absolutely! The fight for that final brownie can turn friends into competitors, and gentle souls into dessert warriors. It's a deliciously dangerous game.
Friend 1: But you know what? Despite the quirks and occasional food mysteries, the canteen is where we bond and share laughs over our culinary conquests.
Friend 2: You're right. It's our daily rendezvous for camaraderie and comedic relief. The canteen is our stage, and lunchtime banter is our script.
Friend 1: So, here's to many more lunchtime adventures, where we navigate the canteen's uncharted territory and discover new flavors, laughs, and memorable moments.
Friend 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds stay adventurous, our jokes stay hilarious, and our lunchtime escapades never cease. Bon appétit, my friend!

Friend 1: Have you ever noticed how the cafeteria food has a unique ability to defy all expectations?
Friend 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like a culinary experiment gone wrong, but we're all along for the ride.
Friend 1: It's like they take ordinary ingredients and transform them into extraordinary mysteries. I never thought I'd see broccoli become a source of suspense.
Friend 2: Haha, you're right! It's like they turn every meal into a game of "Guess What's on Your Plate." It's the ultimate test of bravery and taste buds.
Friend 1: And let's not forget about the cafeteria's talent for transforming the simplest dishes into complex puzzles. Who knew a grilled cheese sandwich could be so hard to chew?
Friend 2: It's like they wanted to add a touch of adventure to our lunchtime routine. Will you be able to conquer the grilled cheese challenge and make it to your next class on time?
Friend 1: Speaking of challenges, have you ever tried deciphering the daily lunch menu? It's like they're speaking a language only the cafeteria staff can understand.
Friend 2: Absolutely! They seem to have a secret code for naming their dishes. "Mystery Meat Surprise" and "Potluck Potpourri" are just the tip of the iceberg.
Friend 1: And the portion sizes! It's like they're playing a game of portion roulette. Will you get a mountain of mashed potatoes or a teaspoon of tuna salad? It's anyone's guess.
Friend 2: Haha, portion roulette, I love that term! It keeps us on our toes and ensures we never take our lunch for granted.
Friend 1: Well, despite all the cafeteria's quirks, it does provide us with endless entertainment and bonding moments. Who else can say they survived the cafeteria's culinary experiments?
Friend 2: You're right. It's our shared experiences of questionable food and witty banter that make lunchtime in the cafeteria unforgettable.
Friend 1: So, here's to navigating the cafeteria's gastronomic wonderland, laughing in the face of mystery meat, and finding joy in the chaos. Bon appétit, my friend!
Friend 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds stay resilient, our sense of humor stay sharp, and our cafeteria adventures continue to provide us with laughter-filled stories.

Student 1: Have you ever noticed that the cafeteria is like a food-themed amusement park?
Student 2: Oh, absolutely! Welcome to "Cafeteria Land," where culinary adventures and questionable choices await!
Student 1: Instead of roller coasters, we have the "Mystery Meat Express" and the "Salad Bar Swirl." Get ready for a taste bud thrill ride!
Student 2: And don't forget the "Soggy Pizza Carousel" and the "Burrito Roll-o-Coaster." They really know how to spin our taste buds around!
Student 1: Haha, it's like a never-ending buffet of surprises. You never know if you'll be delighted or questioning your life choices.
Student 2: It's like a food-based lottery. Will you win the delicious jackpot or end up with a plate of disappointment? Place your bets!
Student 1: And let's not forget the "Condiment Kingdom." A world of ketchup, mustard, and mayo awaits, where creativity meets questionable combinations.
Student 2: Ah, the land of ketchup and mayo volcanoes and mustard moats. It's where taste experiments thrive and flavor boundaries are pushed.
Student 1: And the seating situation? It's like a social experiment in finding the perfect lunchtime spot. Will you join the "Cool Kids Corner" or venture into the "Nerdy Nook"?
Student 2: It's a strategic battle for the ideal lunchtime territory. Choose wisely, my friend, for your cafeteria clique awaits!
Student 1: Well, at least the cafeteria provides us with endless material for laughter and unforgettable lunchtime memories.
Student 2: Absolutely! It's where we bond over shared confusion, swap food horror stories, and make jokes about the cafeteria's ever-changing menu.
Student 1: So, here's to navigating the wild world of the cafeteria, where taste adventures and comedic escapades collide. Bon appétit, my cafeteria companion!
Student 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds survive, our laughs be abundant, and our lunchtime adventures never cease. Let the cafeteria comedy continue!

Student 1: You know, I think the cafeteria is secretly experimenting with new food creations.
Student 2: Oh, definitely! They're like mad scientists in white aprons, concocting weird dishes that defy the laws of taste.
Student 1: It's like they took a list of ingredients, closed their eyes, and randomly threw them together. Who needs logic when you have a blender?
Student 2: And have you noticed the cafeteria's obsession with turning everything into a casserole? It's like they believe in the magical power of mixing everything with a layer of melted cheese.
Student 1: It's the ultimate comfort food conspiracy! They're trying to make us forget that casseroles are just a disguise for leftovers.
Student 2: And let's not forget the salad bar. It's like a sad collection of wilted greens and dressing options that taste suspiciously like chemicals.
Student 1: I once saw a tomato that looked so lonely, it was practically begging for a friend. It's a tomato's cry for help.
Student 2: Ah, the lonely tomato. A symbol of cafeteria sadness and unrequited love for a decent salad. We should start a support group for neglected vegetables.
Student 1: And don't even get me started on the "mystery meat." It's like a game of "Guess the Animal." Is it chicken? Is it beef? Is it a mythical creature we've never heard of?
Student 2: It's the cafeteria's version of a surprise party. Except the surprise is that you may never figure out what you're actually eating.
Student 1: Well, at least the cafeteria gives us endless opportunities for creative culinary experiments. Who needs a cooking show when you can create your own fusion disasters?
Student 2: True! The cafeteria is our very own laboratory of taste, where we can invent new flavor combinations and challenge our taste buds' survival instincts.
Student 1: So, here's to the cafeteria, the place where food dreams become food nightmares, and where we bond over our shared confusion and hilarious cafeteria tales.
Student 2: Cheers to that! May we always find humor in the mystery meat and laughter in the midst of cafeteria chaos. Bon appétit, my friend!

Friend 1: You know, I think the canteen has a secret mission to test our tolerance for culinary adventures.
Friend 2: Oh, absolutely! They're like undercover agents, disguising questionable food as a "balanced meal."
Friend 1: It's like they're on a mission to make us appreciate home-cooked meals even more. They're the unsung heroes of our taste buds.
Friend 2: And have you noticed how they manage to make everything taste like a lukewarm compromise? It's like they're experts in the art of culinary mediocrity.
Friend 1: It's their superpower! They can take a perfectly good dish and transform it into a bland experience that leaves you questioning your life choices.
Friend 2: And let's not forget the cafeteria's obsession with serving mystery soups. It's like a game of "Guess the Ingredients." Can you identify the unidentifiable?
Friend 1: Ah, the mystery soups. It's like a culinary treasure hunt, except the treasure is a satisfying spoonful of confusion.
Friend 2: And the cafeteria's seating strategy is another mystery. It's like a real-life puzzle trying to find an empty seat in a sea of occupied chairs.
Friend 1: Absolutely! It's the survival of the fittest lunch-goer. You have to sharpen your elbows and summon your stealth skills to secure a spot.
Friend 2: And let's not forget the inevitable line-cutters. They're like cafeteria ninjas, slipping in front of you when you least expect it.
Friend 1: It's a skill that should be recognized and rewarded. Line-cutting Olympics, anyone?
Friend 2: Haha, we could have events like "The Stealthy Slide" and "The Swift Snatch." Gold medals for the most impressive line-cutting techniques.
Friend 1: Well, despite all the cafeteria mysteries and challenges, it's where we bond and share laughs over our food adventures.
Friend 2: That's true! The cafeteria is the backdrop for our lunchtime sitcom, filled with quirky characters and unpredictable meals.
Friend 1: So, here's to surviving the culinary roller coaster of the cafeteria, finding joy in the chaos, and creating hilarious memories along the way.
Friend 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds stay resilient, our laughter stay contagious, and our lunchtime escapades remain a source of comedic relief. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person A: Have you ever wondered what actually goes on in the canteen kitchen?
Person B: Oh, I have my theories. I'm pretty sure it's a secret testing ground for experimental food creations.
Person A: Like a culinary laboratory? That would explain the strange and unusual dishes that appear on the menu.
Person B: Exactly! I mean, who knew you could combine cheese, broccoli, and Jell-O into a single dish? It's like a science experiment gone wrong.
Person A: And let's not forget the infamous mystery sauce. It's like a hidden treasure, or maybe a closely guarded secret recipe.
Person B: I once asked a chef what the mystery sauce was made of, and they just gave me a sly smile and said, "If I tell you, I'll have to cook you." I'm still not sure if it was a threat or a joke.
Person A: It's like the cafeteria version of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but instead of chocolate rivers, we have mystery sauce.
Person B: And the salad bar, oh boy! It's like a playground for adventurous eaters. How many questionable toppings can you fit on a single plate?
Person A: I once saw someone pile their plate so high with toppings that it looked like a miniature salad skyscraper. I don't know how they managed to eat it.
Person B: It's a true test of balance and determination. The Salad Olympics should add a new event: Salad Tower Building.
Person A: And let's not forget the daily race for the best seats in the canteen. It's like a competitive sport, where speed and strategy are key.
Person B: I've seen people perform Olympic-level sprints just to snag that prime window seat. It's a serious game of lunchtime survival.
Person A: Well, despite all the quirks and culinary adventures, the canteen is where friendships are forged and laughter is shared.
Person B: That's true! It's a place where we can bond over our questionable food choices and exchange stories of cafeteria antics.
Person A: So, here's to the canteen, where we brave the unknown, defy culinary logic, and create memories that will make us laugh for years to come.
Person B: Cheers to that! May our taste buds survive, our lunchtime adventures continue, and may we always find humor in the chaos of the canteen. Bon appétit, my friend!

Friend 1: Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in the canteen?
Friend 2: Oh, absolutely! I have this theory that there's a secret society of cafeteria chefs who gather to plot their culinary experiments.
Friend 1: I can just imagine them in their aprons, huddled around a cauldron, whispering incantations to turn bland food into... well, slightly less bland food.
Friend 2: And their secret ingredient? Extra servings of confusion. It's like they sprinkle it on every dish to keep us on our toes.
Friend 1: It's their way of spicing things up, quite literally. They want us to experience a roller coaster of taste and emotion.
Friend 2: Speaking of roller coasters, have you noticed the unpredictable opening hours of the canteen? It's like playing a game of "Guess When Lunchtime Is."
Friend 1: Oh, it's a daily challenge. Sometimes the canteen opens early, and you're the first in line. Other times, it's closed until the exact second you start drooling with hunger.
Friend 2: It's their way of testing our patience and resilience. They want to see if we can survive the hunger games before the first bite.
Friend 1: And let's not forget the infamous canteen seating crisis. It's like a battle royale for a chair. The survivor gets a place to sit, while others stand like penguins waiting for their turn.
Friend 2: It's survival of the fittest lunch-goer. The one who can snatch a seat with the agility of a ninja and the determination of a hungry T-Rex.
Friend 1: And don't even get me started on the canteen's dessert selection. It's like they're playing hide and seek with the sweet treats. One day they're there, the next they vanish into the abyss.
Friend 2: It's a cruel game of temptation. They show you a glimpse of chocolate heaven, only to yank it away, leaving you with a fruit cup as consolation.
Friend 1: Well, despite all the canteen shenanigans, it's where we gather, share our stories of triumph and tragedy, and create memories over questionable meals.
Friend 2: Absolutely! The canteen is the backdrop for our lunchtime adventures and comedic relief. It's where friendships are forged amidst food mysteries and seating struggles.
Friend 1: So, here's to the canteen, the place where chaos and culinary experiments collide, and where we find laughter amidst the lunchtime madness.
Friend 2: Cheers to that! May our taste buds survive, and may we continue to embrace the comedy of canteen life. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person 1: Have you ever noticed how the canteen is like a culinary adventure every day?
Person 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like a food safari where you never know what strange creatures you'll encounter on your plate.
Person 1: I swear, they have a secret mission to turn every vegetable into a soggy, unrecognizable mush.
Person 2: It's their way of making sure we appreciate the texture and crunch of fresh vegetables outside of the canteen walls.
Person 1: And have you noticed the portion sizes? It's like they're on a mission to feed an army of ants.
Person 2: It's a survival strategy. If we eat smaller portions, we won't have the energy to protest about the quality of the food.
Person 1: Well, at least they're consistent with their dessert options. It's always a choice between a tasteless pudding or a dry, crumbly cake.
Person 2: Ah, the sweet symphony of disappointment! It's like they hired a pastry chef from a parallel universe where sugar doesn't exist.
Person 1: And let's not forget the long lines. You'd think they were giving away free concert tickets instead of lukewarm soup.
Person 2: It's a social experiment in patience. How long are we willing to wait for a meal that may or may not be worth it? The answer is unclear.
Person 1: Well, at least the canteen provides us with endless conversation topics. It's where we exchange tales of culinary horror and bond over our shared suffering.
Person 2: Absolutely! The canteen is the birthplace of legendary stories, where we gather to laugh, cry, and share our survival strategies.
Person 1: So, here's to the canteen, the place where our taste buds go on a wild roller coaster ride, and where we learn to appreciate home-cooked meals even more.
Person 2: Cheers to that! May the canteen always provide us with comedic relief and the occasional edible surprise. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person A: Hey, have you ever wondered if the canteen is secretly training for a culinary Olympics?
Person B: Haha, that would explain the daring experiments they conduct with our taste buds. It's like they're competing for the gold medal in "Weirdest Dish Ever Created."
Person A: Absolutely! I mean, who needs normal food when you can have a combination of mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and marshmallows? It's a flavor explosion, or should I say implosion?
Person B: And don't forget the Olympic event of "Synchronized Waiting." The queues are so long, it's like a performance of patience and hunger management.
Person A: Oh, and let's not overlook the diving competition. I'm talking about the intense struggle to find a seat during peak hours. It's like a plunge into a sea of occupied chairs.
Person B: And the judges hold up scorecards for the "Mystery Meat Mystery." Is it beef? Is it tofu? Is it some intergalactic protein source we've never encountered?
Person A: The suspense is real! It's like a game of culinary Clue. We're all just trying to figure out which animal gave its life for today's lunch.
Person B: And the canteen staff? They're the unsung heroes, executing daring maneuvers like "Lunchtime Acrobatics" as they balance trays and dodge hangry students.
Person A: They truly deserve a standing ovation for their agility and ability to keep a straight face when serving questionable food combinations.
Person B: Speaking of combinations, have you ever noticed the "Mystery Sauce" that magically appears on every dish? It's like a condiment from another dimension.
Person A: It's the secret ingredient that makes everything taste mysteriously similar. It's the cafeteria's way of saying, "Surprise, it all tastes like mystery!"
Person B: Well, despite the culinary adventures and confusions, the canteen provides us with endless entertainment and bonding moments. It's where we unite over our shared experiences of gastronomic uncertainty.
Person A: That's true! We may not always love the food, but we can always love the camaraderie and laughter that fill the air in the canteen.
Person B: So, here's to the canteen, where meals become memories and the absurdity of cafeteria life becomes our inside joke. Bon appétit and may we always find humor in the chaos!

Person 1: You know, the canteen food is like a real-life episode of a cooking competition gone wrong.
Person 2: Haha, I couldn't agree more! It's like they took a cooking show challenge and decided to make it a daily reality for us.
Person 1: I mean, who needs Gordon Ramsay yelling at them when you can have the canteen's "specialty" dish?
Person 2: Exactly! The canteen chef could give Gordon a run for his money with their unique ability to turn any dish into a culinary disaster.
Person 1: Remember that one time they served a burger that was so overcooked, it could be used as a hockey puck?
Person 2: Oh, I remember it well. We had to bring our own ketchup just to make it somewhat edible.
Person 1: And let's not forget the eternal struggle of finding a clean table in the canteen. It's like playing a game of "spot the elusive clean surface."
Person 2: It's a game of hide and seek where cleanliness is the ultimate hider. You need a detective's eye to spot that one shining oasis in a sea of chaos.
Person 1: And have you ever noticed the magical disappearing act of the dessert section? One minute, there's a tray of brownies, and the next, poof! They vanish into thin air.
Person 2: It's the great dessert heist of our time. We need a team of dessert detectives to solve this confectionary mystery.
Person 1: But you know what? Despite all the food mishaps, the canteen has given us some unforgettable moments and laughter.
Person 2: Oh, absolutely! It's where we bonded over our shared disgust and created inside jokes that will last a lifetime.
Person 1: So, here's to the canteen, the place where taste buds go to be challenged, and where we find humor in the midst of culinary chaos.
Person 2: Cheers to that! May we always have a sense of humor and a strong stomach to conquer whatever the canteen throws at us. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person 1: Have you ever noticed that the canteen food has a secret power?
Person 2: Oh, you mean the power to turn perfectly good ingredients into culinary disasters? Absolutely!
Person 1: It's like they have a talent for transforming fresh vegetables into mushy, unrecognizable blobs. It's a vegetable massacre!
Person 2: And let's not forget the magic they perform with chicken. One day it's as tough as a rubber ball, and the next it's as dry as the Sahara Desert.
Person 1: Ah, the mystical transformation of chicken. It's like they're auditioning for the Hogwarts School of Culinary Wizardry.
Person 2: And don't even get me started on the "soups of the day." They're like a surprise package. You never know if you're going to get a bowl of liquid salt or something resembling dishwater.
Person 1: It's like a game of chance. Will today's soup be delicious or will it make your taste buds weep in despair?
Person 2: And the portion sizes! It's like they're training us for a post-apocalyptic world where every bite counts.
Person 1: Exactly! The canteen is our boot camp for portion control. We'll be ready for any food shortage that comes our way.
Person 2: But you know what? Despite all the culinary adventures and questionable choices, the canteen does provide endless entertainment and unforgettable memories.
Person 1: That's true! We have witnessed the rise and fall of cafeteria creations and bonded over our shared misadventures.
Person 2: So, here's to the canteen, the place where food becomes a source of amusement, and where we find humor in the chaos of cafeteria cuisine.
Person 1: Cheers to that! May our taste buds survive the canteen's experiments and our laughter echo through its hallowed halls. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person A: Have you ever wondered if the canteen food is secretly a social experiment to test our taste buds' endurance?
Person B: Absolutely! I think they have a hidden camera somewhere, capturing our reactions when we take that first bite of mystery casserole.
Person A: And the dessert section? It's like a never-ending carousel of overly sweet treats and questionable gelatinous creations.
Person B: It's a dessert jungle where the brave dare to venture into uncharted territories of artificial flavors and sugar overload.
Person A: Remember that time they tried to pass off undercooked pasta as an avant-garde culinary masterpiece? It was al dente to the extreme.
Person B: Ah, the art of al dente, where "firm to the bite" becomes "firm enough to break a tooth." It was like a pasta rebellion against traditional cooking times.
Person A: And let's not forget the struggle to find a clean table in the canteen. It's like playing a game of "spot the clean surface" in a sea of crumbs and spilled drinks.
Person B: It's a treasure hunt for the germaphobes among us. If you find a clean table, it's like discovering the Holy Grail of canteen dining.
Person A: And speaking of treasures, have you noticed how the canteen always serves the best dishes on the day you forget your wallet or are on a diet?
Person B: It's the universe's way of testing our willpower and teaching us the importance of carrying spare change. They're laughing at our hunger-stricken faces.
Person A: Well, at least the canteen provides us with endless stories and moments of laughter. It's a source of amusement in the midst of questionable culinary choices.
Person B: That's true! We may not always enjoy the food, but we can always enjoy the comedic experiences and create memories in the land of cafeteria adventures.
Person A: So, here's to the canteen, where taste buds are challenged, tables are conquered, and laughter echoes through the halls of questionable cuisine.
Person B: Cheers to that! May we always find humor in the canteen's quirks and navigate its culinary minefield with a smile on our faces. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person 1: You know, I've come to the conclusion that the canteen food is the true source of all mysteries in this universe.
Person 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like a black hole of culinary adventures where flavor goes to die.
Person 1: I mean, who needs a crystal ball when you can predict the daily special based on the color of the mystery meat?
Person 2: It's like a game of "Guess That Food" where the only clues we have are questionable textures and unidentifiable smells.
Person 1: And let's not forget the infamous "Pizza Friday" when the cafeteria attempts to recreate the iconic dish but ends up with a sad, cheese-covered disappointment.
Person 2: It's the pizza that dreams are made of. Dreams of running away to Italy and never looking back.
Person 1: And have you noticed how the salad bar is like a graveyard of neglected vegetables? It's a sad sight to behold.
Person 2: The lettuce, the cucumber, the tomato... they all look like they've given up on life. It's like a vegetable retirement home.
Person 1: But you know, amidst the chaos and culinary mysteries, the canteen does have its moments of comic relief.
Person 2: Absolutely! Like when we gather around the vending machine, praying for a miracle that it won't get stuck again.
Person 1: Or when we attempt to decipher the cryptic codes on the microwave buttons, hoping that our lunch won't explode in a fiery mess.
Person 2: Ah, the microwave mishaps. The only cooking method where a minute can feel like an eternity and a slightly burnt burrito becomes a gourmet experience.
Person 1: Well, despite its quirks, the canteen brings us together in laughter and the shared experience of surviving questionable culinary choices.
Person 2: So, here's to the canteen, the place where taste buds go to retire and where laughter thrives amidst the chaos. Bon appétit, my friend!

Person 1: Have you ever noticed how the canteen food always has a touch of adventure to it?
Person 2: Oh, absolutely! It's like a culinary rollercoaster ride. One day you're soaring with delight, and the next, you're plummeting into the depths of disappointment.
Person 1: It's like they have a secret mission to keep us guessing. Will today's mystery meat be a triumph or a tragedy? The suspense is killing me!
Person 2: And let's not forget the exotic names they give to the dishes. "Tropical Surprise" sounds intriguing, but it usually ends up being a mush of unidentifiable fruits.
Person 1: Yeah, the only surprise is trying to figure out what fruit it's supposed to resemble. It's like playing a game of "Guess That Mashed Fruit."
Person 2: And what about the soup of the day? It's like a soup-themed magic show. One moment it's clear, and the next, it's transformed into a murky potion.
Person 1: They must have a secret spellbook of soup enchantments. One flick of the ladle, and voila! Clear soup turns into a mystical concoction.
Person 2: And let's not forget the eternal struggle of finding a seat in the canteen. It's like a game of musical chairs, except there are never enough chairs.
Person 1: Exactly! You turn into a lunchtime detective, scanning the room for any sign of an empty seat. It's a race against hunger and the laws of physics.
Person 2: And don't get me started on the battle for the last piece of dessert. It's like a scene from a survival movie. Will you be the dessert champion or go home empty-handed?
Person 1: Ah, the dessert battlefield. May the fork be ever in your favor! It's a high-stakes competition for a sweet victory.
Person 2: Despite all the quirks and culinary adventures, the canteen is a place where friendships are forged, and laughter echoes through the halls of questionable food choices.
Person 1: Indeed! We may not always enjoy the food, but we can always enjoy each other's company and create memories in the land of cafeteria tales.
Person 2: So, here's to surviving the canteen's wild ride, where taste buds are challenged, friendships are strengthened, and laughter is the secret ingredient. Bon appétit, my friend!
Person 1: Cheers to that! May our stomachs endure, and may we never lose our sense of humor in the face of cafeteria adventures.

 LEWIS FOREMAN SCHOOL, 2018-2024. Сеть мини школ английского языка в Москве для взрослых и детей. Обучение в группах и индивидуально. 

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